Chapter 11-Arcadia

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Two Months Later...

I burst into the history class. It's mid-October, and a gust of wind hits me in the face as soon as I open the door.

"Arcadia, do you have a tardy slip for me?" Ms. Norburry asks. And no, I didn't have a tardy slip, so I casually begin my lies.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Norburry, I went to the bathroom and I accidentally dropped it in the sink! I don't know why I was being so careless." She purses her lips, and I glance at Charles. To my surprise, his gaze is already on me, and my heart flutters.

"Sit down, Arcadia." Ms. Norburry looks done with me, so I quickly hurry to my seat. Earlier this month, Ms. Norburry made a few seat changes since me, Isa, and Octavia would talk to each other too much. Now, Isa sits across from Charles and I sit a chair away from Octavia.

"I can't believe she believed you, that was a really bad lie," Charles smirks. I swat at his head and try my hardest not to blush. It's no use. I've had a crush on him the entire school year...well, until a week ago. I was forced to give up a cute, perfect guy in order to date my freshman-year crush...Shane Sewerdly. And honestly, I don't even really like him, but I was beginning to become desperate after being rejected by Charles twice. Both times, Isa had texted him, asking him who he liked. "No one." That was always the answer.

"'s Shaaaane?" Kylie says. Kylie is a boy, and I honestly am confused with his parents and why they would name him that. I choose not to answer, instead turning my back away and opening my Macbook.

"She's so annoying, what a bitch." Kylie's insults sting, but I choose to pretend not to hear. I wait for Charles' response.

"Leave her alone, Kylie. You're so stupid sometimes." I'm shocked. Why would Charles stand up for me?! At this point, I basically thought he hated me. I guess I was wrong. I smile to myself. I know it's kind of dumb to hope, I have a chance? Maybe.

"Ms. Norburry, can I go to the bathroom?" Charles says.

"I don't know, can you?" Ms. Norburry is so annoying. She stares at Charles, waiting for his response.

"Oh, my bad. May I go to the bathroom?" I try not to laugh at his joking tone of voice. On his way out the door, I feel a tap on my shoulder. The butterflies swarm around again, and I grin so wide Octavia asks me if I'm okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I'm far from fine. This has to be one of the best classes I've ever attended.

Soon, the bell rings and it's time to go. I pack up my things.

"Charles, are you going to town with Janie today?" Kylie inquires. Janie? I glance at Charles, who clears his throat and shrugs.

"I don't know, she was being really annoying earlier. But I mean she's my girlfriend, so I should cheer her up, right?" Girlfriend. Charles Ramora has a girlfriend, and here I thought he liked me. I start to tear up, knowing it's stupid of me to cry when there is nothing going on between us. I swing my bag over my shoulder.

"Fuck you, Arcadia." Of course, it's Kylie. He laughs and Isa yells at him.

"What's wrong with you, Kylie? Go make out with your grandma." But her sassy remark doesn't cheer me up like it should. And here I am, crying, in the middle of the history classroom.

"Arcadia-" Charles starts. I cover my face and run out of the room. I'm done, I think. Kylie hates me for no reason and I don't have a chance with Charles. There's nothing left for me. 

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