Chapter 5-Mack

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I walk into the classroom just as Isa is rushing out the door. Before she's out of sight, I gently cover her eyes with my hands.

"Guess who!" I say.

"Hmm..." She says. "Well, It can't be Helga, or Arcadia, or Winnie...gosh I really don't know!" Giggling gloriously, she turns around and envelopes me in a hug, even though she's half my size.

"I missed you," I say. We spent time together throughout the entire summer, but still.

"I have to go, babe. But I missed you too! Let's talk later, okay? Bye!" She runs off, leaving me in shock. Babe? She's never called me that before. Nonetheless, I liked it.

However, my good mood disappears when I hear the bell ring.

"You're late, mister..."

"Mackwell Hamstring. But I go by Mack." I can tell I don't like this teacher.

"Great, I'm Ms. Ibbleson. Welcome to Science. All right everyone. You may open your Macbooks and begin the ScopeStem assignments. They're due at the end of the period, so hurry up!" Great. Just what I need on the first day.

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