31: gaffed

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The next morning only one was the first to be awake.

Obviously Jungkook.

He laid there patiently waiting until the other woke up again. Staring at him from time to time. He was so mesmerized by the merman.He looked so delicate so... Unreal in a way.

His beautiful shimmering skin, with a slight scale patterns that was visible on some spots. He just... He could watch it again and again.
But it would be better if he could just.....Touch it, feel the warm skin under his palms. Holding it with both hands-

Jungkook softly cleared his own throats and quickly averted his thoughts to something else.

The sound of him doing that shook the merman awake. He was on the edge of waking up and sleeping, so when he heard the noise he shook awake.

"oh, did I startle you? Sorry" Jungkook quickly apologized. "i didn't mean to wake you up like that"

"It's fine. I don't want to sleep too late" Taehyung said while he stretched himself out and scooted closer to Jungkook, taking his spot back against him. His safe spot. Being close to him or in his arms are the moments he felt the safest. As if he is in a bubble and nothing can touch him.

And he was, that was the safest place he could be. Because the vampire would never let anything happen to him. As long he is around he will make sure of that.

"Is there something you want to eat for breakfast?"

"Do you have more of that... Ca... Cake thing from before?" Taehyung asked not sure if that was the right name for it.

"You can not eat cake all day, and its not a good breakfast to have. According to humans that is."

"oh, thats a shame." The merman pouted. "You have fresh fish???"

"ah... No. But I could go buy some?" Jungkook just wanted to be of service, but the merman was making it difficult. "i can go to the store in the city-"

"no no, that's alright. I will go hunt my own food later. I don't need anything right now, just something you have left is fine. You shouldn't go out in the sun."


"really, its alright." Taehyung smiled and sushed the other. He just felt like doing so. He doesn't want the vampire to get hurt because he sends him outside into the sun.

"Fine, then at least let me set the table for you. I will prepare something with what i have, in the meantime you can use the bathroom. I will go later when you're finished." Jungkook placed a peck on the white hairs of the merman before he left the bed.


And that's what they did. Taehyung went to use the bathroom where he got himself ready, changing back into the same pair of clothes aside from the underwear. He then went downstairs and joined Jungkook at the table. Looking at the plate that was decorated so cutely.

There was a simple sandwich with cheese and one with ham. Spread around the bread were rose petals shaping a heart.

"ahw, a heart"

Jungkook smiled. He did well it seems. He wasn't fond of doing such things at first. But it felt so good to do such things. To be kind, seeing the smile on Taehyung's face each time made Jungkook feel so good.

Maybe being a kind person wasn't so bad....


They spend the whole day together again. Taehyung explored the book shelves with him and told Jungkook to read anything interesting to him since he can't read all that.

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