17: snuggled like a burrito

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It had been a few hours and Taehyung was still fast asleep. Jungkook thought this was a perfect time to....Take a little peek at him more closely.

Not like a creep but out of interest. He had walked closer to the sleeping merman and kneeled down to take a look. He hadn't had the chance to look at the other without him getting shy and hiding himself. Because of that he only now noticed Taehyung's skin was very unique, aside from a rather pale peachy color his skin also seemed as if there was some glitter sprinkled over it. There was this faint shimmer in it. It was absolutely beautiful.

"woah...." Jungkook said softly and stood back up. He didn't find anything new, the only other thing is that his grills were now closed. Turned into thin lines on his neck, they had nonuse right now so they were not open.

"sleep well" he whispered and sat back down on the seat folding his hands on his belly. The patience of this vampire should not be underestimated. Jungkook was more patient than any other.


Through a silent night the merman had awoken. He stirred in his sleep and rolled on his side. He was so warm and compact, surrounded by something soft.

Wait....That doesn't sound right. His eyes fluttered open in confusion and he looked down. Seeing a way too big for one bed sheet over him, a pillow under his head and he was on the same couch that he sat with Jungkook.

Oh no he fell asleep!

He felt disappointed in himself. He should have stayed awake. He was invited inside and offered a drink, but all he did was fall asleep. Yes he was tired from being awake till that late...But he couldn't help but feel bad for his actions.

He sighed, there is no fixing that now. It already happened.

The merman had brushed off these thoughts and looked at the bedsheets that were on him. they were so soft and fluffy. Softly he poked his feet up and down to fluff it up more. The slight brush of wind coming from under the edge made him sniff a few times. That's when he grabbed the bedsheets and sniffed them deeply. Jungkook... Jungkooks smell was in these blankets.

These were Jungkook's blankets.

The merman giggled softly and snuggled deeper into the sheets feeling all bubbly inside. The thought of these being the raven's own blankets made him feel so warm and happy. a special feeling. He opened his eyes again after his little happy wiggle and froze right away.

Jungkook was... right there. Sitting on the chair staring at him with a fond smile.

Taehyung got really shy right away and hid himself under the blankets. "Noooo, you didn't see anything" he whined.

"you're adorable. don't worry, it's all good '' Jungkook said and stood up from the chair. He grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it down to look at the other. "you can snuggle up here as much as you want. I watch over you"

Taehyung felt like he was going to explode.

These words made him turn even more red and he knew if he tried to say anything he would stutter heavily. luckily for him the vampire didn't ask anything and just walked to the kitchen.

"Do you still want that tea or will you brush your teeth first?" he asked. "Shall I bring you breakfast in bed-couch?"

"b-brush teeth?" the merman asked, confused.

"you don't brush your teeth? like, clean your mouth?"

"we just use water"

"oh, well, we use a brush with toothpaste, it's like soap for your mouth. Very useful"

"t-then. i-i will do that f-first'' the merman folded the sheets over and neatly left them on the couch before walking to the raven shyly. "How do i do that?"

"ah, let me show you," Jungkook chuckled and went with the other upstairs. This is the second floor, here is my own bedroom, some guest rooms and bathrooms. This is my room" he entered the first door when they came upstairs and it revealed a big room. It was just like the rest of the house warm colored. The bed had a dark grey theme, the blankets and one of the pillows were missing. seeing that made taehyung feel bubbly again. They were really his bedsheets. "Okay, so here is the bathroom." Jungkook opened the cabinet under his sink and took a clean new toothbrush with a bright green color. "Here, this one is new."

"thank you" taehyung took the brush and looked at it before he started to bite it a few times. "hmm"

"Now you put a little paste on the brush. '' Jungkook did it on his own and then also put some on Taehyung's. "water, and then brush it well" he did the example and started brushing his teeth. The merman followed him, mimicking the movements. At first it felt weird having a brush in his mouth, but after about twenty seconds he got the hang of it and started to brush more thoroughly, looking happy while he did it.

After a long session of teaching the merman how to clean himself in the human world, they went down stairs where Jungkook offered to make the merman a simple breakfast.

"What are these?" Taehyung asked, grabbing a silver piece with spikes on top.

"that is a fork, to poke your food"

"ah, I see. That's useful. Like a spear to pierce fish"

"Yeah, like that, '' Jungkook chuckled, he did not mind questions like this, he thought it was nice to see how curious the other was about things. Taehyung really didn't know a lot about life on land. but that was to be expected if he had lived his life afraid to even come close to the surface.

"oh also... i'm sorry for falling asleep last night" taehyung said and avoided direct eye contact by looking at Jungkook's hands that were making a sandwich. "i-i tried to stay awake but I somehow drifted off. i didn't mean to be rude"

"oh, don't worry about that. I understand, it was very late for you. and I don't mind waiting for you to wake up. like now, we can spend time when you are rested. It's completely fine, "Jungkook smiled, hoping that his words gave the other some comfort so he won't be worried about it anymore. "besides, you're more than welcome to come over anytime now.

"you're too kind," Taehyung smiled.

"to you i am the kindest I've ever been" 


thankies for reading again, see you in the next chapter!


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