13: first date?

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Jungkook did it yesterday. He asked Taehyung to date.... Honestly....He didn't expect him to accept his request.

So he felt happy right now. It's been forever since he felt like this. Ever since he had started to talk to the merman things were going so well for him. He ate only when he needed to. He didn't have so much anger or need for violence. It's still there. But the intense feeling for blood got replaced by his excitement to see taehyung again soon.

During the day he would prepare things to say or what he wanted to know. He also kept thinking of presents and flowers he can add to the garden. Which is what he was doing today.

Seeing it was already time the vampire got himself dressed from top to toe and headed out into the garden. At the same time the merman arrived as well.

"Hello, is it date day today?"

"it is. Well, sort of." Jungkook chuckled and put down the box with flower seeds and a few baby plants in small pots. "i bought new plants to add to the garden. Would you like to help me?"

"yes! I'd love to!" Taehyung got excited. He absolutely adored the colorful plants in the garden. It was the main thing that drew him here. It felt peaceful, and never was there a person here. Until Jungkook suddenly stepped out of the house and scared him.

"Okay, so. These small seeds need to be potted. And they could use some water.

"leave it to me!" Taehyung eagerly grabbed the pots and placed them in front of him on the sand. He turned to sit in the shallow water and began poking holes in the soil like he had seen Jungkook do.

"Perfect, I will go move these around." Jungkook began Rearranging the pots with full grown flowers and plants so they all got their sun. While they were both doing their thing Jungkook began to ask things. "Do you think thr sunflowers look good here? Or better on that side with the roses?"

"with the roses would be nice, '' Taehyung said. He really wanted to see the roses up close. But they were so far away. The roses were one of the few flowers that were planted into the ground. Too far for him to reach from the water.

"Do you have a favorite flower? You already have seen a lot of them here"

"i like the sunflowers....But the roses are pretty too"

"sunflowers, really? I never met someone who's favorite flowers had a sunflower." The vampire chuckled. After that it went silent again. Jungkook was shoving the pots around and the merman had finished with the seeds by now. Just silently staring at the raven doing his thing.

He didn't mind not talking for a moment. He also enjoyed watching the other do this, he could take a good look at him now.

Aside from his very covering clothing his face was really attracting the attention. His glowing red eyes under the shade of the hood drew him in. And even if he had a hood on he could see the well defined shapes of his face, his jaw and nose especially. In short.... Very handsome.

So handsome that the merman blushed then they locked eyes for a second.

"sorry. I will stop now. I will never be satisfied with the arrangement. It's hard to put them together well. ugh, anyway-oh you're done!" Jungkook smiled and felt guilty for not noticing sooner. "oh i didn't see that, you should have told me. Ah, I'm sorry" the raven put the potted seeds aside for now and kneeled down in front of the merman.

"its alright, don't worry."

"i feel bad.... I didn't know what to do today on our date. It's hard to come up with activities while one is in water and I am not..."

"we could swim. In the night, so you don't have to worry about the sun" Taehyung suggested.  "It's beautiful down there."

"I haven't really swum here in this water. But I'd love to, sure."

"this night? We can end early, I will go to sleep and at night we will meet again."

"Are you really okay with that? You live during the day."

"I do, but I also want you to be comfortable. You adjust to me so I can adjust to you as well."

"Okay then, I will meet you again tonight. What time do you want?"

"uh, I'm not so good with time. I just know when it's the time I have to meet you. uhh. Just uh, midnight? Like...You know what, just call for me. I will hear you and come to the surface."

"Alright, midnight it is. Then you better go to sleep soon or else you will be tired."

"wait no, let's do it later than that. I just woke up!"

"alright. Somewhere past midnight. It's all good" Jungkook chuckled. He looked at the merman's hands. He wanted to touch them, he wanted these soft hands to hold his again.

"sooo...Is it bye for now?"

"i think that's best, yes. So you can rest early for tonight"

"short date this was" The merman chuckled and slowly scooted back further into the water.

"the date has just begun. Tonight it will be a real date. I will be on my best behavior, for you.... Mostly" The vampire smirked and playfully touched the merman's hair brushing it a little to the side.  A red blush appeared on the younger's cheeks. "see you tonight cutie"

"s-see you"


That night Jungkook had left for the city again. Standing in the city central garden moonlight lighting up the main path, keeping him in the shadows.

Yes he knew he had to meet with Taehyung in two hours. But he was hungry......For blood. He wanted to feed, he wanted to smell fear and hear screams.

"oh, you look lonely" Jungkook grinned seeing a hunter patrol the path. He came closer and closer, until he was in Jungkook's reach. His red eyes lit up in the shadows,

It was time to play...


Thankies for readingggg, see you in the next chapter!


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