7: talking to him

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.After thinking of the right answer he spoke up again. "Well, I am someone who likes being by myself most of the time. Im...Loyal. I enjoy reading books and studying. Since I have a lot of free time I use that to educate myself. So i think you can consider me a smart person." Jungkook smiled. Hopefully this would be enough and the merman won't ask questions that he will have to lie to.

The vampire doesn't want to lie... Not to him at least.

"You sound like a calm person."

"I am, I keep myself under control. I don't like to get emotional, so i never really do"

"why not? Everyone cries sometimes" Taehyung said and leaned his head into his hands. Elbows resting on the grass near Jungkook's shoes. His head tilted as they stared up at the vampire. The flower was still floating around him.

"Well, I don't. I don't cry, I don't want to be seen as weak. And besides I never feel the need to. Some call me cold. Others call me lifeless. It depends on who you ask. And you?"

"me? Oh uh. I do cry sometimes. Not a lot but when I feel like I have to, I let it out. I always feel much better after just letting myself cry'' The merman spoke about this so easily and without hesitation. For him it was the most normal thing.

"I hope you never have to need to cry. You should smile, "Jungkook said, making the merman shy.

"i-i haven't cried in a while. I-i'm alright, thanks" he blushed and looked down to avoid eye contact with these beautiful red ones

But Jungkook kept looking. How is it possible for a being to look like that.... Everything about him was so unreal. Mermans were really beautiful. Things that are told about them are all true.

"i've been wondering, what do you eat there underwater?"

"oh, well... Mostly fish and other underwater creatures. But also vegetables there like seaweeds.... Nothing special actually. The most difficult thing is to actually catch the food. I hate clams but those are the only ones that are really easy to catch. Fishes need more effort" Taehyung said and almost began to whine at the end from annoyance. "Like, im hungryyy. Can't they just sacrifice themselves to keep me alive. I don't like clams"

"you're cute," The vampire chuckled. He saw the other get shy again so he initiated the conversation again. "so fish are hard to catch? Are you not a fast swimmer by nature?"

"I am but, compared to others of my kind, I'm quite slow. I don't have very good stamina, my body has some problems but I'm fine, I just try my best to cut them off hehe" the merman chuckled.

"i see. I hope its nothing bad. That would make me sad"

"its not, really, I promise!" Taehyung smiled. "so...You like the pearls, right?"

"I do, I think I'm going to use them as decoration."

"Cool" the merman was glad that the vampire liked them.

Jungkook saw the sun lower and lower. It was time to head back. But he didn't want to. Being here with him felt like a dream.
A dream he doesn't want to end.

But even this will eventually end....One way or another.

Jungkook was destined to always end up alone...

"i'm very sorry....But its time for me to go out and eat, i haven't eaten a lot lately."

"oh.....I see....Thats, okay" Taehyung said, he had a disappointed look on his face. He hoped to talk some more. But even this day had an end. And just like Jungkook, he himself needs to eat as well.  And he still needs to hunt for it, he cant just prepare food and put it into a freezer. Sharks will come if they smell the food. That would be too dangerous.

It wouldn't be the first time a shark had eaten one of the merfolk.

"I am here everyday, I always see you come at the same time. So I will see you arrive when you return. We can talk more tomorrow" Jungkook smiled.

"I'd love that. Please wait for me"

"i will" Jungkook stood up holding the umbrella in his gloved hand. Taking one last look at the beautiful creature before turning around and walking towards his house.


The merman called out. The vampire stopped walking and looked back.

"Thank you for being kind to me.... I had fun today."

"I'm happy to hear that. Have a good day Taehyung. If you need me just call for me and I will come" the vampire smiled and went inside the mansion.
Taehyung didn't leave right away. He kept staring at the back door for a while before he sighed, grabbing the flower and disappearing underwater.

He felt sad that their moment was over already.

Funny, hw never thought that this man would be so nice. Vampires are taught to them to be evil and dangerous. But he came to find out that Jungkook was very kind. He didn't need to be afraid, somehow the vampire didn't alarm him at all. He was already looking forward to tomorrow.

And so did Jungkook, who was inside the house. He didn't want to leave. But they can continue tomorrow. He shouldn't rush things. He will rist scaring him. Especially if he is growing hungry. Vampires can get scary at those times. He doesn't want him to see that, he would never return it he does. So, Jungkook had to make sure to feed himself enough this time so he won't rist his ugly side coming out. So far he is doing well at being....Normal.

"i'm feeling...." Jungkook muttered to himself as he stood inside the living room. He felt his hands were...Warm.... His heart, beating slowly. "happy" he smiled a little "alive..." but sadly it didn't last. After a few seconds the beating slowed down and stopped again. Making him feel cold and empty once more.

Back to being the shadow creature he was.

Thank you for reading, and being patient with me and the updates. I do my very best to get them out as fast i can, but i have such little free time.

I really hope you're all still enjoying this, if there is anything you think i should improve on, feel free to let me know💕

For now, i thank you again for your time and hope to see you in the next chapter!🐣


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