14: bubbles of adoration

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That night the Vampire stood in his bathroom. Washing his hands thoroughly. His eyes staring at the water that had turned red when it touched his hands.

He likes what he does, but... When he looks at the blood and thinks of the merman he can't help but feel bad.... Taehyung wasn't dumb, he knows what vampires do, but that doesn't mean he needs to see it.

Jungkook wants to look good for him.

His fingers grabbed the tooth rush and he made sure his teeth had no blood or flesh left behind. As if nothing happened.

"okay....Good, looks a lot more presentable" jungkook mumbled to himself and he left the bathroom.

It felt good knowing it was nighttime when he went to their meeting spot. He didn't have to worry about damaging his skin. He can be at ease.

"alright. Tae," he stood in front of the water with a long coat, he wore loose straight black pants with a linen shirt. "Taehyung? Are you here already?" he didn't shout too loud at first. Maybe the merman was already awake.

But it didn't seem like it, it stayed too silent for too long. So he called out louder. "Taehyung!?"  and gave it a moment.

Luckily he did not have to repeat himself again. The water started to move and tarhyung's head popped out cutely.

"Hello Jungkook!" he said, clearly happy to see the other. The merman made his way closer to the other. "are you ready?"

"i am, im curious to see what is all down there"

"you never went diving?"

"no...Not really, we vampires are not really interested in water. Our food lives on land so-i mean.." he couldn't come up with anything to cover the last words. He didn't mean to say it so casually like that.

"i see" the merman didn't reply to it. He silently came closer until it got too undeep and motioned the raven to come in. "come come, there is lots to see."

"On my way cutie" the raven slipped off the coat and let it drop on the ground. His pale but surprisingly trained arms were visible. He was about to walk in when he changed his mind and took off his linen shirt as well. Creating a sight that made the 'younger' blush a dark red. Lucky for him it was hard to see in the shadows of the night.

"aren't you tired?" Jungkook asked while he walked into the water and made his way to Taehyung.

"no...Well....A little."

"sorry for making it difficult-"

"no, I was the one with this idea. Don't worry, I will be fine. I just...Want to return the favor"

"you're a kind, thoughtful Merman. "Jungkook smiled and was now swimming in place in front of the other.

"s-so, shall we go?"

"Alright, lead the way" Jungkook chuckled and followed the merman that disappeared under water. He looked around a few times trying to find where the other went so quickly. He saw him a bit further from him motioning him with his hand to follow.

The Vampire started to swim forward, trying to catch up to the other who had turned around to lead in front. Moonlight shining on his shimmering scales through the surface.

It was beautiful to see the other like this. Underwater here he lives. It felt so special as if it was something forbidden.

By the way.... Why does he go so fast? Jungkook was not able to keep up to the other's speed. He couldn't call out when he saw Taehyung disappear in the shadowy distance. Which resulted in him stopping and waiting like at the start.

'Tae?' he thought in his head and turned around trying, but when he did everything looked the same. He sighed mentally and just floated there. Underwater things were not made for him. He should just stay on land.
The way he felt so powerful out there, so weak did he feel right now. He was slow, couldn't see as well as he should and he wasn't even fully in control of his direction. The water was moving around making him go up, then a bit lower, to the side and all that. He didn't like this, he shouldn't stay here. He can not be...Weak.

Jungkook's eyes glowed brighter at the thought he just had. But suddenly a magical sound was heard through the waves. He turned around and would have gasped if he could.

He could see the merman swimming back to him. He was....Glowing? There seemed to be this glowing hue around him.

Jungkook came back on his thoughts of before. He wasn't here for himself. He was here for taehyung. He should not complain.

Taehyung stopped in front of him. His hand extended towards the vampire with a smile. Magical sounds coming from him.

Seeing the hand Jungkook of course took it and his eyes widened when the merman sped off. He felt his body being pulled after the creature. He felt his hair completely getting pulled out of model from the water streams that went past him. As they went deeper and deeper into even darker places Taehyung's glow became more obvious. But not only that. Because of his glow he could see...Life.

Taehyung stopped swimming and let go of the raven's hand. They were at a spot he thought Jungkook might like too.

He waved at Jungkook and pointed down at the corals. The older moved his body down and looked at them closely. There were tiny fishes there. Hiding between the plants. The merman then excitedly waved his hand again and pulled him to a different side. Where living seashells were. A few bigger fish swam past his face distracting him for a few seconds before his attention was back on the merman who snatched one from the rock and put his fingers between the shells. When his fingers came back they held an oval shaped pearl. Happily he held it out to Jungkook.

Taehyung was absolutely the cutest in Jungkook's eyes. So cute that the raven almost got shy when taking the pearl from him. Each time Taehyung got excited here this magical tune would be heard. As if he was singing.

It was quite enchanting to experience.

For most of this time Jungkook was watching how happy Taehyung was while showing him the beauty that was hidden here underwater. It's not like he didn't have an interest in water life. He just.... Felt attracted to the other so much that it kept grabbing his attention.

And that did not stay unnoticed by that other. The merman got more and more flustered to look the other in the eyes that he just avoided it with red cheeks and just let the raven look on his own while he provided the little bit of light to see.

Jungkook chuckled and grabbed Taehyung's hand pulling him back next to him. He gave him a warm smile and a sign that it is okay. His hand moved to the corals, as if saying, show me more.

And Taehyung was happy to do so. He was happy to be here with Jungkook. Him not having to breathe was as if he was with a merman down here, one that still needed to see everything. But it was even better when he was reminded that this was no merman but a vampire. Someone he grew very fond of.


Just a cute chapter. Its quite difficult to write a scene whit so little dialogue. I hope it was alright and i will see you in the next chapter!💕


lover by day [vkook]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora