20: to the store

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Taehyung could almost fall asleep here. He was so relaxed while leaning against Jungkook. Who by now had one arm over him to let him rest more comfortably under his arm.

The merman really enjoyed being with him. He could tell that the vampire was doing his best and that made him feel so special. He felt welcome and cared for. What more could he ask for? He could see Jungkook as his special someone...

A small smile appeared on his lips thinking of a future like that. He wouldn't know how it would work, him being a daylight creature and Jungkook one from the night. Water and land... But, it works now, so it can still work later too.

"You look happy," Jungkook said softly and gently caressed Taehyung's arm. Tracing his fingers up and down.

"i am happy, you make me happy"

Those words melted the vampire. Jungkook's eyes softened and his heart made a few beats, sending warmth through his body.

The things that Taehyung made him feel were unexplainable. His other frien-....Acquaintances would never believe it if he told them he was sitting here snuggled up with a merman on a field. They wouldn't even believe it if he told them he was being a kind and sweet person.

"Is there anything else you want to do right now before it gets late? Do you need to go back to your water already?"

"no, let's just stay like this for a bit longer....Please," Taehyung asked softly. He doesn't want to force the other to stay if he didn't want to but he personally really doesn't want this moment to end. He hasn't felt this kind of warmth in so long.

"Whatever you like, I'd love to stay here too." the vampire smiled and squeezed the other a little more against him.


Taehyung stirred around feeling his head clear up. His dream was gone, suddenly poof his head was empty and signaling him to wake up. With a small frown he fluttered open his eyes and looked in front of him.

Again.... A new.... room?

Slowly he sat up and rubbed his eyes. When did they return... how, how did he get into Jungkook's bed? Why was he still in the same clothes?! The merman hopped out of bed from the sudden shock of new events. The sun had risen and shone through the window. "no, not again!" he was about to rush out of the room but remembered that he should brush his teeth first. So he did that, quickly.

"no no, why am I so sleepy these days? '' he blamed himself for it again. He reached the ground floor again and entered the living room where Jungkook sat on the couch reading a book.

"I'm so sorry. I don't even remember falling asleep"

"good morning Taehyungie, do not worry." Jungkook closed the book and stood up to greet the other.


"i do not mind. Really. You are awake during the day. It's normal for you to fall asleep when it's your bedtime. I do not have one so please don't feel bad."

"okay....I just feel so bad that I can not stay awake till late. Especially known you will be lonely"

"trust me. I've never felt so accompanied in my life than when I am with you. I have been lonely most of my life." Jungkoon really didn't want Taehyung to feel so bad about it. And he didn't have to.

"No one down there would believe I have met a vampire as kind as you  that doesn't want to kill us."

"well you better introduce me one time then"

"yea....'' Taehyung's smile faded at the thought of that. It's not like he didn't want to, he would love to be able to do that. That things go well between them, but.... He didn't have anyone to show him to. He had been alone since that attack, he had not dared to leave this water. His family probably moved away already. He might not even remember the way home...

"ah...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that" Jungkook said and took a step closer.

"it's alright, i just got reminded. But i would have liked that, honestly" the merman smiled. "so....You had any plans today?"

"not really, you?" jungkook said.

Taehyung shrugged.

"well...I need to go visit the supermarket. Would you like to come with me? It is in the city. I could show you around"

"that....That sounds scary" the other said. He wasn't fond of Humans, he saw them all as danger.
"I will be with you, nothing can happen." Jungkook smiled. "just trust me"

"I do trust you. I-i will go with you"

"lovely, now first you need some breakfast or else you will be hungry. Shall I make you something different this time?"



After a good breakfast the two had walked to the city. It was not far from Jungkook's house. They just had to exit the forest path and they would enter the west side of the city. It was not as crowded as Taehyung thought it would be, but it was definitely bigger and a bit overwhelming.

Through the street drove a bus looking vehicle that Jungkook said was called a 'tram'. It scared him, it made noise and it could run him over if he didn't look out. And then the humans, they were so close. And so many. Anyone could pull out a knife and turn him into a fillet.

So he was basically clinging onto Jungkook, holding his arm and walking almost against him trying to be close so he would be safe. The Vampire had no free hand left anymore. One hand was taken by Taehyung and the other had to hold the sun blocking umbrella.

"Tae. You will be fine, no one knows you " Jungkook chuckled. The other was Adorable but he had no reason to be so afraid here. As long as no one knew then it was fine. Taehyung almost looked normal, he bet normal people won't even notice if they passed him. They would just think he was a pretty man walking by.

"but but but-"

"Here is the store. Now, you uh have to let go of my arm. I can not grab things like this."

"Okay" the other said softly and followed the vampire into the store where the raven closed the umbrella and used it as a cane instead of holding it.

"anything you want to try you can grab. There should be lots of delicious things here according to Jimin"

"Who is Jimin?"

" a frien.....A friend" Jungkook sight softly. He said it. The word he hates. But he did see Jimin as a friend. The other too, they were all dear to him. Too close to his liking. But he can not let them go anymore.

"Is he a vampire too?"

"no, he is human. He is the one using most of the food I have at home."

"ooh... Is he dangerous?"

Jungkook laughed at that question. A laugh that made Taehyung's eyes widen, he hadn't seen that smile on him before, he looked even more handsome at that moment.

"No dear, he isn't dangerous. Not in the way you think of. He is a good friend, i think you would get along"

"ah..... Good human" the merman spoke to himself as if he was making a mental note.

"Do you need any special water to drink? They have these mineral ones and flavored ones. One should i buy salt to salt it for you. Wait. You don't live in salt water... Hmm"

"tap water is fine,  but what is this?" he pointed to a yellow colored drink.

"mango juice, that's a fruit"

"oh, it looks yummy"

"take it" Jungkook said and held out the basket for the other to place it in.

"thank you" taehyung smiled and began looking around for anything else he might like. Asking Jungkook for almost everything about what it was or what was written on the packages. Their time in the store really made the merman feel more at ease. He had not been attacked or anything so those worries slowly began to fade. He didn't need to hold onto the raven so tightly anymore now.


Their city tour will continue in the next chapterrrr~

Thankies for reading, see you in the next!


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