8: The evil and the prey

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It was dark when two monster hunters walked through the streets. One snacking on the steamed buns they bought a minute ago.

"You know, it's actually a nice calm evening for once."

"Yeah, because you're not paying attention, dumbass," the other said.

"Whatever, Woong '' the other stuffed the last of the bun in his mouth and threw the paper into the bin next to him. "alright, let's go find some bounty to collect"

"Good idea"

"there are too much rotten ones living here"

"In the end humans will win anyway" Woong chuckled and buttoned up his leather coat to protect himself from the cold wind. "I know some spots where we might find some, follow me"

"Alrighty, lead the way"

The two went away from the main road, going into a side alley that will lead them to a less wealthy part of the city. Streetlights became less. The people that were walking on the main street were now gone. replaced by a single rat that ran from the corner of the alley.

"Dirty rats, ugh," the friend said with a scrunched face.


what is it?"

Woong didn't reply. He held up his finger and listened. He was sure he heard a shuffle just now. Slowly he looked up at the roofs above them, mentally preparing to see one, but there was nothing. Only a crow that flew away when he moved his head up.

"I thought I heard something...."

"I don't think vampires are here right now, look at this place. it's disgusting" his friend tried to joke.

"disgusting is what they are, filthy pests. But they have good bounty's."

"Wish these merfolk weren't so shy. they would make us rich"

"They are weak, we will get them eventually" Woong chuckled. but then he heard it again. that same noise. Immediately he grabbed his crossbow from his back and loaded it. His friend did the same, pulling out his weapon.

Woong looked around in the shadows. He was sure there was something here.... he could feel it. He felt a cold heavy presence closing in on them... it was nearing. But nothing prepared him for the feeling he got when he heard a low chuckle in his ear..

"ah!" he flinched and turned around quickly. only to see his friend stare at him confused.

"what? what is going on!?"

"There is something here, I heard it." They were looking around in a panic. What was this thing? why cant he see it?? how can he fight something that is invisible.

"So on guard...." the voice was heard by both of them... but it was coming from all around them. "so.....weak" when the last word was said a tall figure came from the shadows behind Woong's friend and grabbed him by the shoulders. A shocked yelp was heard and a few blade swings.

"Woong! help! aah!" his friend screamed in pain.

Woong reacted fast and turned back around. He could see a tall vampire tower over his friend, a deep bite from his neck that bleed heavily. woong wanted to pull the trigger. He had a perfect line of shot... but he couldn't. The vampire's red eyes stared at him so intensely. He couldn't move... he was completely frozen.

"what is going on!?" This had never happened before. Was he actually scared right now? He had never been scared of vampires. but... this one was different, he wasn't like the others.

"Oohhh, you look frightened, '' the vampire said. his voice felt like poison was being dropped into his ears. Before he could process it the vampire vanished. only to whisper in his ear. "I can smell your fear" the vampire took a deep sniff and chuckled. "i like them scared" and with that Woong was pushed out of balance and thrown into the floor. A shoe stepped on his chest, and the vampire bent down to look at his face. "I hate people like you"

"p-please!" Woong said with tears in his eyes, he had never been so afraid of anything in his life. He had seen many different monsters and none scared him like this, ever.

"Please what, what could possibly be relevant right now?" The vampire chuckled, his fangs glistering in the moonlight, stained with the blood of Woong's friend.

"just... don't kill me....i-i didn't want to attack you-" the vampire pressed onto his chest, pushing the air out of his lungs and making it hard for him to breathe.

"Oh oh small hunter. Your mortal words do not interest me. I don't care about your weapons. I was just simply....hungry." the vampire smiled. a smile that made Woong feel even weirder. That smile looked so friendly, but his voice was still as evil as before.

"w-what are you?" woong managed to say with the small bit of air in his lungs.

"You can call me Jeon Jungkook. Remember it during your journey to hell, I will come find you there when my time is done here" Jungkook smirked and he stomped down so hard that a good amount of ribs broke in two. Woong let out a scream and clasped his chest in pain.

"fuck!!! aaaaaahhhh!"

"Hmm yess, sing for me" jungkook twirled elegantly around the man. "just like you people watched them scream." He appeared kneeling next to the man's head. his scared eyes looking back at him in pain. "Hmm, you don't really amuse me anymore" he sighed and grabbed the man by the hair before cracking his neck and letting the body fall limp to the ground.

Jungkook was about to leave when in the corner of his eyes he saw the other guy silently trying to crawl away, a trail of blood behind him.

"tsk tsk" Jungkook shook his head and grabbed the crossbow from the ground. slowly he walked after the crawling man that was nearing the end of the alley. the light of a lantern-pole shining around the corner.

"Trying to leave are we?" Jungkook said in a low voice, his footsteps coming closer and closer. the breathing of the man became faster and his hands grabbed and pulled faster and faster. "desperately trying to escape death..... but you know your attempt is to fail....." the vampire kept talking. He slowly loaded the arrow into the bow and aimed it at the man's head. "Can you feel it, your fingertips almost reaching the safety of light?"

the man painted in pain, more blood gushing from the wound in his neck.He desperately wants to get away.

"oh noo... you were so close there" jungkook chuckled and shot, the arrow piercing through his skull and killing him. The man laid there, his fingertips in the light. "so close, yet soooo far.'' The vampire dropped the crossbow and stepped out of the alley onto the street. While fixing his jacket and wiping his mouth clean he began to head home.


short chapter sorry, but i still hope its alright. i wanted to show more of Jk's character here before they meet again. hm hm. 

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!🌼🌼🌼

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