16: surprise in the night

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After not much of an eventful evening Jungkook returned home. The moon high up in the sky already.

In the morning he will see the other again. For now he will have to find something to entertain himself with.
From the hallway he could already see the dancing flames in the reflection of the window in the living room. He left it to molder down but it was still burning with its last flames.

He should throw in a new block while it's still burning. Jungkook walked through the hallway into his living room. Even though he does not have any body heat the house somehow always feels cold to him. It just....Didn't feel like home. Yes the stuff was still here. Yes he grew up here. But there is nothing here that is home. It's just a house with empty faded memories. Just a building to cover his head.

The vampire sighed and walked past the window. At first he didn't see it.

He took a step back and frowned looking out of the glass. There was something he for sure did NOT expect to see. Especially not at this hour.

On his wooden bench in his garden sat a person. A person with white hair and shimmering skin in the moonlight.

He opened the backdoor and stepped outside. Approaching the person sitting in front of his rose bushes.

"Taehyung?" he said and stopped walking. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. The merman was right there. On...On land. He had legs! A pair of legs that were crossed slyly to cover his bare skin that couldn't be covered by the towel that was draped over his shoulders.

"H-hey" the merman said nervously. He didn't think Jungkook would be here so soon. He didn't know how he would react. Heck, he didn't even think he would be home! He was totally unprepared. He hasn't finished his mental script for this encounter yet.

"you.... You are here. With...Legs'' the vampire still was trying to wrap his head around that this was real. As a merman he was already a beauty, and even as a human he still was just as unique. His white hair that was now dry and soft, his skin that actually shimmered with a faint bluish scale pattern on some parts and his light baby blue eyes that looked back at him.

Jungkook felt a wave of warmth go through him and he gulped getting his feelings back together. "a-ah uhm" he cleared his throat. "I mean, you look beautiful. I didn't expect to see you here"

"I thought you might....Like it. So you won't have to come to me everytime." Taehyung replied and fiddled with the tip of the towel.

"aren't you cold?"

"....a little"

"wait here. I will get you something to wear." Jungkook didn't wait for a reply but ran back inside and grabbed a clean set of pajamas out of his closet. With that he ran back outside and handed them to the merman. "here, i'm not sure if they fit as im...Well, tall. But they are at least warm" he smiled.

"Thank you. You're kind"

Yes, to him he was.

"uhm...Can you...T-turn around? '' Taehyung said with a blush. He felt way too shy to show his human parts to the other. Even if they are both the same gender.

"Of course. Let me know when you're done, "Jungkook turned around and patiently waited.

While he had his back turned taehyung removed the towel he grabbed from Jungkook's wash line and put on the clothes given to him. They were indeed too big. He rolled up the ends of the pants and arms so he could properly use his hands and feet. But they actually felt really nice. The material was soft and they smelled just like the vampire. He smiled and sniffed the fabric a few times before deciding he was done and tapping the raven on his shoulder. "im done"

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