24: poking their noses

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The two guests had made themselves at home. Jimin took his seat on the couch and flipped through the book Jungkook was reading, while Yoongi stood in front of the fireplace with his back turned to the flames, warming his legs.

It was not that cold anymore outside. The fire was left from last night, and Jungkook quite liked the sound and look of the fire. It made the big empty house feel more cozy and welcoming.

For a certain guest, and... Well and his friends, it was more pleasant to come inside a house that was warm instead of cold like the outside. That Jungkook didn't feel it doesn't mean other living beings have the same.

"soooo, You love someone. Tell me about them"

"I'm surprised Jimin didn't tell you already" Jungkook muttered and walked to the living room with two drinks for his guests.

"Hey, I might be a little nosy but I am trustworthy with secrets. I didn't tell him anything" Jimin said, quickly defending himself.

"well.... There is a boy, he is very, very kind and cute. And i...Well.. Like him... Uhm, love him"

Yoongi held back a chuckle. Seeing Jungkook like this was so weird. He was used to the raven being grumpy and easily angered. But now he looked a little... Shy?

"That is adorable."

"don't call me that." Jungkook frowned and his red eyes shot up sending a glare towards the human.

"woah, relax." the human didn't expect him to turn into his regular self so quickly. "Anyway, soo what is he like? What is his name?"

"well.... It's a bit complicated. He isn't a vampire..."

"so, humans can be compatible too, right? It happened before im sure"

"He's not a human. He is a Merman, Yoongi" the vampire said and sighed. "the most beautiful creature you will ever see."

"oh my, an actual living merman?!" yoongi's eyes widened.

"yup" Jimin turned in, closed the book and put it back on the table. "the real deal"

"I thought they were like... Almost extinct."

"almost. But not quite yet. They are hiding from the land people. Because of these hunters that kill monsters like us and them. Greedy money bastards"

"right...." Yoongi said and sighed. "That was my reason to leave." The human had been serving the monster hunters a while back. But things were more civil that time. They would only kill those that are a danger to humans, that act like a criminal and kill out of pure evil feelings. But now they just kill anything they can find that would bring them their money. Mermaid's are highly favored and are worth more than any other creature. So he left. That was no longer the cause he wanted to serve for.

"It's a shame that they derailed like that." Jimin said and crossed his legs with a sigh. "but, they don't have all of them obviously. Because Taehyung is here in your backyard waters. Alive and well"

"yes he is, and i will keep him that way." Jungkook smiled and looked outside the window. Oh he wished that the merman was inside here right now. Talking about cute fish and seashells or curiously examining his house and its objects.

Jimin smiled. Because Jungkook isn't the type to lie about such things. If he said it then he would keep to his word. And right now he actually looked serious about it. Jimin felt like he didn't need to worry for the merman.

"Can we meet him?"

"ah....Well" Jungkook did not prepare for that question. "i don't know. I could introduce you but I don't know if he is comfortable to show himself to strangers.... And he probably doesn't trust you, "Jungkook thought for a few seconds. "i will have to ask him"

"please do, we would loooove to see him" Jimin replied right away. "don't we, Yoongi?"

"Yeah, I would like to meet him too. See who you like so much."

"I will keep away your past or else he will never agree," Jungkook said and stood up. "he should be around somewhere. Stay here, don't sneak up or do anything that will scare him off. Just stay put, i will see if he is nearby" he stood up and grabbed his umbrella again. For a second time today stepping out into a bright outside world.
How was he going to do this, just ask or first explain? Wouldn't that just worry Taehyung more.

"Taehyung? Are you here? I have a question." He called out. After a good twenty seconds there was no sign of him so he sighed and poked his heel into the ground as a distraction.
"guess no-"

"Hey..." that beautiful voice of the merman was heard. Jungkook's eyes immediately lit up and he smiled.


"You called? Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked, looking worried.

"no no, not at all. I just have a question to ask. I have friends over and I was wondering if you would be comfortable to see them. That i introduce them to you. Maybe you can make some new friends?"

"oh...Uh.... I think so, "Taehyung seemed hesitant. "are they humans?"

"eh......Yes they are"

The merman looked even more unsure.

"But, they are trustworthy. They are my only friends. And I would not ask you this if I did not trust them. If you don't want to then we will not do it okay, just do what you want" Jungkook said and kneeled down so he can look at the other a little more on the same level.

"I trust you.... So i will meet them"

"Okay, are you sure?"

"I am sure." Taehyung smiled. He was very nervous. Meeting humans directly was different. He was fine with jungkook...

Wait, jungkook...

He didn't trust Jungkook at first either. Vampires are dangerous. So are humans...

Does that mean not all humans are bad people? He can learn to trust them like he does with Jungkook.

Yes, that sounds about right.

"why are you smiling like that?" Jungkook asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing much, I just thought of something," the merman smiled.

"alright... So uh, do you want me to bring them outside?"

"sure....That's okay... But slowly. A-and don't let them come too close. I will swim away if they do."

"bodyguard Jungkook, at your service" The vampire grinned and stood up to bow in a dramatic way as if he was inside a movie. "i will bring out the guests then, wait for me here love"

Taehyung smiled with a blush and got comfortable.


Oeeeh, they are going to meeeettt


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