5: a 'friend'

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Jungkook had waited and waited that whole night, until the sun rose up and he hid further into his home. He had been staring out of the window for hours.

Holding on to a small bit of hope that the merman would come again, but it's three hours past his usual visit time.....It was very unlikely he would even come by now.

With a sigh Jungkook slumped his shoulders and stared at the letter at the flower pot. He felt his dead heart ache and frowned. Placing in confused a hand on his chest. But just as quickly the feeling was gone.

"That was...Weird" jungkook muttered but he decided to just brush it off as a muscle cramp or just something between his ears. There is no way, his heart is cold. It doesn't beat normally like humans. Vampires like him only will beat when they fall in love. It will make them feel more intensely through their senses.

But they can also feel pain, a literal heartbreak was not something only for humans and some animals.

The raven was so lost in thought that he was alarmed when there was a loud knock on his door. With a quick action his body was blown away by a soft breeze as it turned into a flapping bat and he appeared back in front of the door. With a wide swing he opened the heavy wooden door and stared at the guest.

"Took you long enough. Wait, you're not even cautious. You told me to announce when it was me, i didn't eve-"

"I smelled you through the door, '' Jungkook replied and turned around. Letting the other go inside whenever he pleases.

"if i didn't know you i would have felt offended" the other chuckled.

"Why are you here Jimin? I told you I don't want to hang out or whatever. I am a busy man"

"well, i know you quit your job and ar basically by far over retirement in human years so i bet you're not busy." the man named Jimin said and crossed his arms. "or is there something you haven't told us yet.

"i don't need to tell you anything"

"Come on Jungkook, sometimes you act like a child. We are not afraid of you, you know. And yes, I know your life isn't all that great, but please. we are still your friend, whether you like it or not." Jimin frowned. "Now spit it out. i ca see something is on your mind"

"You really should watch your words, I could eat you if I wanted to and no one will find your body." Jungkook threatened.

af if he would even do that. he might not call the others his friends but they feel like it. He doesn't want anything to happen to them. Jimin might be human, but that didn't make his life less valuable. Jimin had been a help and that is why Jungkook decided that this human deserved life and never made any move to hurt him, not even when he needed to feed.

"You wouldn't. but comeee, i wanna know what's going on in your life. open up more" jimin flopped down on the couch and looked at the other waiting for a reply.

which thankfully came.

"Well... There is this merman living in the water behind my house-"

"oh my god really!? I haven't ever seen one in my whole life!!!"

"jimin.... then let me talk, '' Jungkook sighed. "and well, that has been my morning activity for a while now"

"So that is what you're up to every day."

"Yes, but I never spoke to him or anything so yesterday I tried to approach him and I accidentally scared him off, and now i am pissed at myself. I was stupid"

"woah, you're not stupid. Merman are a close to extinct species, it's not strange that he got scared. You know what people do to them..."

"I know, but I just wanted... ugh nevermind."

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