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Wattpad is going to take away in a few days the private messages option and it breaks my heart because I LOVE receiving and sending you guys messages.

follow me on insta so we can communicate together :

insta : @authormarieannilla


"Everything you can imagine is real."

Pablo Picasso


I glared at the ugly mugs staring back at me, fighting the urge to unleash a string of curses under my breath.

Lighting my cigarette, I tried to shift my focus away from the morons in the room.

I had way better things to do on a fucking Tuesday afternoon than sit in this dark, dreary place, dealing with their bullshit and incompetence.

With Igor off in Columbia, Volk and I were drowning in endless meetings.

I couldn't fucking wait to get the hell out of there and back home to my little family.

"Maybe we can try importing some new shit from Europe?" Kievnor mumbled nervously.

I snorted, grinding my cigarette butt into the ashtray. "If I kept taking advice from losers like you, Kievnor, I'd still be scraping by on the streets and eating fucking rats. So do us all a favor and shut the fuck up."

Silence fell like a heavy blanket in the room, none of the men daring to break it for a full minute.

My thoughts drifted back to my wife and son, their faces flashing vividly in my mind.

A small smile crept onto my lips.

I had only left them three hours ago, and I already fucking missed them terribly.

"I can hack into the Mayor's system and see who's been providing him his drugs. It'll take me two seconds," Fronik declared, breaking the tense silence in the room.

The five men exchanged wary glances, each daring the other to speak.

I glared at Fronik, a scrawny 6-foot nerd barely out of his teens.

Sure, he was a genius with computers and hacking, but he was a total fucking waste of space otherwise.

"We already fucking know," Volk snapped. "What we want to know now is how the hell you're gonna win back the money we lost because of your sorry asses."

The tension in the room thickened as Volk's words hung in the air, sparking an argument among the men.

Accusations flew back and forth until Kievnor, in a moment of misplaced bravado, uttered something particularly foolish.

"That's fucking bullshit, Volk! We did what we could with what we had," Kievnor spat, his voice trembling with defiance.

That was the last straw for me.

Fed up with their incompetence and bickering, I rose from my seat and without hesitation, reached for my gun and aimed it squarely between Kievnor's eyes.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room as I pulled the trigger, putting an end to this fucking useless meeting once and for all.


I won't have to hear his fucking annoying voice again.

"So," I said, scanning their fucking ugly faces, each wearing a mix of fear and disbelief. "Who wants to be next?"

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