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"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."

Zora Neale Hurston


I silently cursed Volk as I lugged in the last sack of dog treats he needed for their training.

It was absurd, really.

Here I was, breaking my back for a bunch of overgrown mutts that Volk treated like fucking royalty. They were practically his children, each one pampered more than any human child I'd ever seen.

With a roll of my eyes, I dumped the sack in the kitchen and sank onto a stool, pouring myself a cup of black coffee to drown out the irony of it all.

After all, in Volk's world, dogs were kings, and I was just there to fucking serve.

That asshole always knows the best way to annoy me.

I checked my phone, hoping for a message from Caia, but my screen remained disappointingly blank.

"Fucking hell," I muttered under my breath, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

After this early morning's unexpected and downright mesmerizing moment, where she rode a pillow in front of me, begging me to fuck her and cuming hard—which I still can't believe—my mind hasn't stopped replaying that scene over and over again.

The way her skin reddened a bit on her chest and neck, the way her tits bounced, hypnotizing me, how her hips rocked faster and faster on that damned pillow, her moans filling my ears and hardening my dick with each passing moment and the way her hair flowed around her as she threw her head back, her orgasm overtaking her.

Damn it, she had me completely under her spell.

I was borderline addicted, consumed only by thoughts of her.

I never imagined I'd be head over heels for my wife.

Falling for her was never part of the plan, never something I wanted.

But here I am, utterly and completely in love with Caia fucking Mankiev.

I adore everything about her—her smile, her frown, the way she blinks fast whenever she lies and that despite the hardships she's faced, she still sees the world with beauty.

I love her emerald eyes that fascinate me every time and how she does a little dance whenever she eats something sweet.

I am addicted to her scent, her hands, her laugh, her courage and disobedience.

Even the way she snorts faintly when she sleeps, or how she rolls her eyes in pleasure when she drinks warm tea.

Fuck, she makes me feel things I have never felt before.

I could die for her little moles on her cheeks alone.

And fuck, the way she calls out my name, how it rolls off her tongue; that shit drives me crazy.

I could go on listing the things I love about her endlessly because I am hopelessly, madly in love with my fucking wife.

And she has to pay for it—with a spank on her ass and my dick deep inside to show her just how deep my feelings for her go.

Yep, I needed to fuck her out of my system.

After I humiliated myself this morning, I quickly left, unable to believe that I had confused my love for her.

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