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"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before."

Mae West


I touched up my red lipstick for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour, my nerves making my hand unsteady.

The car made a sharp u-turn, causing me to almost overdo it and end up with lips that resembled something out of a Kylie Jenner tutorial.

Red lipstick was my confidence booster, like a mask that shielded the real me, accompanied by thick lashes courtesy of black mascara and now, I felt strong.

With trembling hands, I stashed my compact mirror back in my coat and fussed with my hair. It had been ages since I'd felt this nervous.

I contemplated asking Drayi to pull over so I could empty my stomach by the side of the road.

"Stop stressing, you're going to make me sick," my father commented, placing a hand on my knee to halt its restless movement. "You look lovely, Caia. I'm sure it'll all work out."

I bit my tongue to hold back my frustration. I wanted to push his hand away and escape from the car, walking back to the city. His "it'll work out" essentially meant, "He'll fuck you, you'll see."

Bitterness welled up in my throat, and I couldn't help but resent him even more.

"Men enjoy a little chase, my daughter," my father continued, offering his unsolicited advice. "So, make him work for it. Don't give in too easily."

The urge to vomit grew stronger. "I don't need advice on getting men, papa. It's disgustingly easy; you're all too eager," I replied with frustration and disdain in my voice.

He laughed heartily. "That's undeniably true, isn't it Drayi?"

"Da, boss," Drayi nodded. "A dick will always want a pussy."

I rolled my eyes. They truly are all the same.

The car finally pulled into the rocky front yard and came to a stop in front of an imposing Manoir, a dark and gloomy mansion that undoubtedly came with a hefty price tag in the millions of rubles.

Tall trees stood sentry around the property, as if they were nature's guardians, concealing the sinful secrets that unfolded behind the closed doors and shuttered windows.

"Remember, Caia, wear that lovely smile of yours," my father advised, adjusting my chin.

I nodded, my eyes deliberately avoiding his gaze.

The grandeur of the Manoir and the weight of his expectations weighed heavily on me, leaving me with a mixture of anxiety and apprehension.

I couldn't wait for the night to come to an end.


Holding the box of homemade blini close to my stomach, I focused on regulating my breathing, willing my heart to calm down.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

We stood outside, waiting for someone to open the door and welcome us. My father was beside me, Daryi just behind. To an onlooker, it might appear that we were a loving family awaiting entry in the snow. But appearances can be deceiving.

By my side was a drug addict and dealer, and behind me, a sadistic sociopath.

As for me, I was often labeled a whore, an angel to my babushka, and a lost soul in my own eyes.

Sinful Games  (Sinful #2) |  18+Where stories live. Discover now