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"We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves."

Eric Hoffer


Alexsei's hand continued to caress my back, tracing small circles on my skin.

And just for a moment, a fleeting second, a part of me wished I could freeze time and remain in this perfect moment forever.

But heaven was anything but real, so I had to snap out of it and get my thoughts straight.


Oh, no.

Maybe, just maybe, if I don't move and stay frozen in place, if I maintain my breathing to normal, maybe he'll think I'm asleep and leave me alone.

"Don't be acting shy on me now, love. Not when my cum is still inside you."

Gosh, what an asshole.

What a freaking hot asshole.

"Let me sleep."

He chuckled, pulling my body closer to his as he spooned me and inhaled my hair.

"Oh, come on. You can't deny you enjoyed every minute of it," he teased, his breath warm against my neck.

"I can deny whatever I want. Now let me sleep."

One second.

Two seconds.


"How does it feel to be my wife now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Horrible. I can't believe you coerced me into having sex with you."

He scoffed. "Coerced you? Baby, you were the one begging for me to fill you up," he said, his hand caressing my stomach before it ventured down and cupped me between my legs, where the skin was still sensitive. "And I believe this pussy is pretty happy, now isn't it?"

After I shamelessly begged him to release inside me— which I can not believe I did, blame it on my inner sex-starved demon who's been on a centuries-long dry spell and is ready to mortgage kingdoms for some action— and came so hard I nearly passed out.

But then Alexsei scooped me up like a hero and deposited me in his shower, where he proceeded to bathe me with the delicate touch of a saint.

Seriously, was this the same man who rocked my world so hard my legs turned to Jell-O, his grip around my neck sending my heart racing into my throat and waves of shivers cascading down my spine as his... dick burned my insides into flames?

He then dried me off and tucked me into his bed, the soft sheets enveloping me like a warm hug.

This really, really felt all too real.

I gently removed his hand and pushed it away. "No, it's not. So please, stop bothering her and me, and Let. Us. Sleep."

"And you claimed I'm no fun, huh?" He puts his arm back around my waist and plants a soft kiss on my shoulder. "Sweet dreams, Caia."

Sweet nightmares, he must have meant, for now I'm certain sleep will elude me entirely especially after giving him the only thing that would've kept me sane in his wild world.

I was now totally screwed.


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