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"The game itself is bigger than the winning."

Dejan Stojanovic


I let out an exasperated groan as I futilely tiptoed, attempting to reach the large ivory bowl on the top shelf.

After a moment of struggling, I conceded defeat and fetched a chair, using it to elevate myself and finally retrieve the bowl.

With my craving for something sweet growing stronger by the second, I knew I needed a fix, and I needed it right now.

So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and bake a batch of cookies.

After the incredibly strange breakfast that left me breathless, bewildered, and with my body still shaking, I decided to catch a bit more sleep and then explore Alexsei's place.

I made my way to his bedroom, which was adorned with black sheets, giving off a mysterious and sexy vibe.

Surprisingly, his bed was neatly made, and the room was spotless—impressive for a guy. The large windows were partially veiled by light, sheer curtains, offering glimpses of the stunning Moscow skyline.

As I closed the door behind me, I ventured down the hallway and was taken aback when I opened the door at the end to find a home cinema. The room had plush red couches against black walls and a huge screen.

Jesus, Alexsei was really loaded.

Shutting the door behind me, I made my way to the last door next to Alexsei's bedroom, curious to see what lay beyond.

Inside, I found what seemed to be his office—a clean, minimalist space with white and dark grey walls.

There was a sleek black wooden desk stretched across the room, adorned with a chessboard that looked way too complicated for my taste.

On one wall, a set of library shelves displayed an eclectic array of decorations.

Latin vases from Columbia, Russian ivory dolls, and even a miniature Eiffel Tower. A sculpture of Dante and Beatrice embraced in a hug stood out among them, along with a small painting of Tsar Nicholas.

And then there was a skull, decked out with glittering diamonds.

I couldn't help but wonder if that skull was real...

Alexsei sure had some interesting taste in decor.

Driven by curiosity, I couldn't resist the urge to explore further. I opened some drawers in his desk, hoping to uncover some intriguing secrets.

However, all I found were mundane papers on the stock market, the Big Bang theory, and an essay on the correlation between cancer and ultra-processed food consumption.

No wonder he was always the one cooking—that man was obsessed with health.

Yet, there he was, smoking away. Go figure.

I suppose we all have our vices.

But then, buried under this mound of useless documents, I stumbled upon a small black jewelry box.

With eager hands, I scooped it up and settled into the plush gray desk chair, feeling like I was sitting on a cloud as I opened the box.

Inside, I was surprised to find two small pictures.

Sinful Games  (Sinful #2) |  18+Where stories live. Discover now