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"When people don't express themselves, they die one piece at a time."

Laurie Halse Anderson


"What kind of party is it?" Caia asked as we pulled in front of the mansion.

Dozens of cars were already parked, and people were entering the grand building, all wearing their extravagant dresses and suits.

I adjusted my black tie. "Gala for the orphans."

Caia scoffed, replaying her lipstick. "Rich people don't care about anybody. Especially orphans. Everything is just for show."

"I couldn't agree more, love," I got out and made my way to open her door, helping her out of the car. "But I have been invited, and what better way to introduce my wife than at a Gala."

She rolled her eyes and let go of my hand, smoothing her long corseted shimmery gold dress. Her tits were barely covered due to her corset, and she also wore long black gloves, her hair straightened and falling down her lower back.


Staring at her, I could already feel my blood pulsing in my groin.

"Are you going to tell them that you forced me to marry you, or is it top-secret information?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

My little witch was still very much annoyed with me.

"Let's keep our private life private. Shall we?" I winked and offered her my arm, which she took as we made our way to the entrance.

The bustling sounds of the orchestra, with violins and pianos, filled our ears the moment we passed through the immense wooden doors of the mansion, which were opened by attendants.

With Caia's arm around mine, we gracefully made our way inside. I received nods of acknowledgment here and there, while my wife smiled politely at everyone, her cheeks blushing as compliments were directed her way.

"Champagne, Sir?" A waiter offered, presenting us with glasses on a tray.

I accepted one and offered it to Caia, who declined.

"Whose house is this?" She whispered to me as the waiter departed.

"Denis Krosovar's."

Her emerald eyes widened. "The politician?"

I nodded, bringing the glass to my lips and savoring the taste of the champagne.

"I thought he was imprisoned for battery and embezzlement," she murmured.

Denis Krosovar was sentenced to ten years in prison last summer for assaulting his secretary and her husband, and for embezzling 200k from one of his party colleagues.

Lame fucker paid off the judge twice the amount to reduce his sentence to nothing.

He was now a free man.

I smirked, leaning closer to her ear. "Baby, money buys everything. Always."

She hummed, her eyes wandering around the room filled with Renaissance paintings of battles and portraits of God-knows-who's distant cousins.

I couldn't care less about those things; the only real piece of art was beside me, clinging to my arm.

"There are many things that money can't buy."

Sinful Games  (Sinful #2) |  18+Where stories live. Discover now