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Tzuyu stepped out of the company, avoiding the ugly stares and glares from the people...she looked around for the driver...but he wasn't there...she called him...

"Mr josh....where are you?"

"I-i'm sorry Mrs jeon but Mr jeon just gave all us drivers a week off and told us to immediately go back home..."

"What?" She said in shock, her eye brows frowning....she ended the call and entered the company again...she took big steps towards Jungkook's office and when she reached the hall... Jungkook was locking the office door... getting ready to go back home....

Most of the employees also left.... Jungkook saw her and asked "what are you doing here?"

"...what are you doing Jungkook? First you.....leave sent the driver you not care how I'll go back home?" She said...

"There is a thing called uber- or taxi..." Jungkook said locking the door and wearing his shades.... giving his bags to the guards behind him, he placed his hands in his pockets walking forward.... ignoring tzuyu....

She followed him and held his arm... "What's wrong with you kook...I'm sorry for what I did...please just be normal now..."

Jungkook said while frowning "but I am normal you think I have time to mess with you? I have more important things to do..." He walked forward again...

"Atleast take me home...." Tzuyu said standing Infront of him blocking his way....

"I have a meeting in the club with miss yoojung and the others.... I'll come home late...take a taxi..." Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked past her.....his shoulder brushing against her....she lost balance and fell on the floor spraining her ankle....

The other employees looked in shock... Tzuyu looked at the door.... Jungkook already out of the company....

Everyone started whispering among eachother.....tzuyu felt humiliated.....she looked around... everyone just staring at one was trying to help her....her eyes got teary and everything blurred....

Two pair of hands pulled her up making her stand....she looked up....she expected it to be Jungkook....that he'll hug her and tell her that he's sorry....but when her vision got clear....

It was Jimin....Jimin took her to his car and made her sit in the passenger seat...he sat on the driver seat and closed the car door.... "Are you okay tzuyu?"

"N-no....what happened to Jungkook...I don't know what to do Jimin.....I feel like I made a big mistake... forgetting that his ego is bigger than mine..... I can't bear this anymore....I feel invisible because of the difference in our standards...." She started to cry....

Jimin hugged her and said "don't cry....please don't cry.... everything will be okay.... Jungkook loves you.... he's just...he has an attitude problem.....come on don't cry everything will be okay" he patted her back...

"He loves me right? He won't leave me..." She asked...

Jimin nodded.... "Yes he does....alot...he loves you let me take you home okay..."

"....I also need to buy something from the bakery for the kids.." she said wiping her tears and sitting straight while Jimin started the car...

"No problem.." Jimin said and drove off....


Yeonjun entered the mansion and happily went to his parents room "daddy! Mommy! I won" he showed his trophy....

IU stood up in shock and hugged yeonjun "finally.."

Taehyung smiled and said "you're such a good boy, let me reward you later for your excellence....I'm surprised how hyunjin didn't came first this really beat him huh?"

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