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It was early morning, just before the sun began to rise as a figure in the darkness started to stir. Slowly, a pair of tired eyes opened and shut a few times before adjusting to the darkened room.


(Thinking to herself) What time is it?

Xena turned her head to look out the window as a cloth slipped from her forehead and caught her attention.


(Thinking to herself) What the...?

Confused as to where the cloth had come from, Xena picked it up and felt that it was very slightly damp. Now more intrigued by the reasoning for the object, she began to sit up but fell back immediately a jolt of pain shoot through Xena's side, causing a painful groan to escape her.


(Irritated/ painful tone) Son of a Bacchae!

Xena laid there for a moment as she waited for the pain to subside. Then, once the sensation had dulled enough for her to bear, she very carefully moved to raise herself to an elevated position and lifted her shirt to examine her side where she saw a set of fairy fresh bandages had been wrapped around her midsection.


(Thinking to herself) These aren't the bandages I had on. Where did these come from?

Carefully Xena touch her side and scowled to herself when she felt how much more sensitive the area was then it had been before.


(Thinking to herself) What in Tartarus?

Slowly Xena undid the bandages wrapped around her midsection and was taken by surprise when she found a set of freshly done stitches where her old ones were as well as the redness that surrounded them.


(Thinking to herself) Fuck. How did that happen?

(Thinking to herself Sarcasticly) Great, an infection is just what I need.

The Conqueror sighed to herself as she lowered her top back down and pushed the rest of her blankets off of her as she moved to get out of bed. However, when she stood up and attempted to take a step, Xena found herself unable to get far as she found her whole body suddenly feeling incredibly weak. Barely able to get back to her bed before collapsing, Xena layed there for several moments before hearing a knock on her door, followed by a woman's voice from the other side.


I'm sorry, she doesn't appear to be awake.


That's okay. Honestly, I'm not even really sure why I wanted to come see her.


Well, perhaps later. Was there any specific message you had to be given to her?


No, that's okay, I'll just go. Sorry for troubling you.


CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now