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Remaining quiet, Gabrielle followed Leonidas through the keep. They moved past numerous people as they came and went doing various daily tasks. Gabrielle couldn't help but wonder just what so many people did within those walls. Surely, they couldn't all be captives or slaves. They outnumbered the Conqueror so many times that surely they could easily overthrow one woman, no matter how fearsome and ruthlessness she may be. So if these people weren't owned by the woman, that meant that they had chosen to be there. Chosen to follow and serve her willingly. But why? Were they being lied to by the Conqueror, or were they all cut from the same cloth and just as evil and heartless as she was? But if this were true, then why was this soldier or high-ranking member of her army, Leonidas, always so kind to Gabrielle? Was it all an act? No, something told Gabrielle that he genuinely seemed to be a kind man. Yet if that was true, then why was he a clearly willing member of the Conqueror's army? And Elle, she seemed so kind as well. Whereas Xena, the Conqueror herself, while she hadn't yet physically harmed her, with everything she had heard and after seeing first hand what Xena was capable of, Gabrielle was completely terrified of the woman. Was that what made these people serve the Conqueror, fear? Honestly, the more Gabrielle thought about everything, the less it made sense. It all just felt like one long bizarre nightmare, one that Gabrielle wished more than anything that she would just wake from already. But sadly, as much as she wished it not to be, Gabrielle knew that it was all real. This was her life now, and it seemed as though there was nothing she could do to change it. After walking through several hallways and descending a long flight of stairs, Gabrielle was finally brought to a pair of large doors as Leonidas stopped in front of them and smiled at her as he pushed them open.

Here we are, the archives. Now come on, let's see where my lovely wife is.

Leonidas walked into the enormous room ahead of Gabrielle, who looked around in sheer awe of just how much literature and writing appeared to be stored in the room. Coming from such a small village, she had never could've imagined so many scrolls and writings being held in one place.

Sara, where are you, my dear? I've brought you a surprise that I think you'll like.

Look out below!

Hearing the sudden shout from above, Gabrielle was pulled from her admiration of the archives as she hastily stepped back and barely avoided being hit by a large satchel of scrolls and books as they dropped to the floor at her feet.

Oh! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Gabrielle looked up from the bag as a woman slid down the ladder that Gabrielle had been walking by and landed in front of her.

Those didn't hit you, did they?

Um no, I'm okay.

The woman smiled.

Oh, good. The last thing I need is to knock someone out with my clumsiness again.

(Thinking to herself) Again?!

Gabrielle heard Leonidas chuckle a bit as he stepped forward and picked up the satchel.

Well I suppose that'll teach me to scare someone holding on mountains worth of writings on a ladder.

(Joking) At least you learned your lesson without getting too much brain damage.

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