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(Stern tone) Absolutely not.

With all due respect Conqueror, this isn't your decision.

With a scowl on her face, Xena paused in her steps as she turned to face the Amazon queen and a few other women accompanying her as the group moved through the halls of the keep on their way to the Conqueror's study.

(Irritated) The fuck it isn't. You can be queen of the god's, Hera herself for all I care. You're in my home, on my lands, so you don't get to just come in a dictate what happens to the people here. End of discussion.

Without another word and before Melosa could reply Xena turned back around and continued down the hall.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to see if anyone has found anything regarding your daughter's killer.

A small groan was let out as Gabrielle slowly opened her eyes. She found herself laying in a bed within a room in the healers quarters of the keep. Her mind still a bit foggy as she tried to piece together exactly what had happened as she looked over to the window near her bed and saw that the sun had clearly long since set which caused her to question just how long she had been unconscious. She laid there for several moments lost in her in thoughts until the sound of the door opening caught her attention as she heard someone entering the room and turned her head to see Ephiny walking in as the Amazon shut the door behind her and turned to see Gabrielle looking at her.

Sorry I didn't mean to wake you.

You didn't.

Gabrielle watched as Ephiny walked around and lit a couple candles that were placed around the room before coming over to Gabrielle's bedside.

How are you feeling?

Whether the Amazon was asking if she was in physical pain or if she was referring to how she was handling everything that had taken place earlier in the day Gabrielle wasn't sure, but gave an answer that would fit either question nonetheless.

I... don't know.

Is there anything I can get you?

Gabrielle shook her head no as an awkward silence filled the room before Gabrielle spoke up several moments later after somewhat gathering her thoughts of which were scattered all over the place as she tried to make sense of what had happened over the dinner turned nightmare that had taken place earlier in the evening.

What happened earlier? Why?

Still unsure of what exactly happened as the incident was still being investigated Ephiny didn't have an answer for Gabrielle and knew that she needed to be honest with her about the fact, along with everything else that would now come from it.

If you mean the attack I'm afraid we still don't have any answers. Both our people and the Conqueror's are at work as we speak doing everything they can to find whoever's responsible. Hopefully they'll be found soon so they can be brought to justice.

I hope so too.

Gabrielle sighed as she tried to sit up but felt a pain in her shoulder that drove her right back down on the bed as she let out a pain fueled yelp.

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