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The tensions were high as a large number of people gathered around the body of the slain Amazon princess. Melosa knelt beside her daughter whose head rested in Gabrielle's lap and gently brushed aside the few stray hairs from the young woman's face, her eyes filled with a silent grief as the Amazon fought to maintain her composer in front of those gathered around.


Gabrielle looked at Melosa as she felt her own tears fall for her dead friend.

I'm sorry. I tried to protect her, but...

Gabrielle lowered her head in both mourning and disappointment in herself for not being able to prevent her friend's death.

I wasn't able to really do anything for her in the end.

Xena crouched down beside Gabrielle, Melosa and the deceased Terreis.

There wasn't anything that anyone could've done. Once that arrow hit Terreis, it was already too late for her.

The Conqueror looked at the arrow sticking out of the young woman's chest.

Giving that she was the first one hit before the rest of the arrows came in, whoever is responsible for this knew what they were doing and wanted her dead more than anyone else.

Gabrielle looked at Xena.

But why? She was one of the nicest people I've ever met. Who could wanna kill someone like her?

You're even more naive than I thought if you think that just being nice will spare anyone from falling victim to someone else who might hold a grudge against them for whatever reason. Being what people call nice does nothing but put a target on your back.

Gabrielle lowered her head sadly as she looked at Terreis who was lifted from her lap by Melosa as the Amazon queen stood up with her daughter's lifeless body in her arms as she called over a couple other women from her village.

Ephiny, Solari, take Terreis to the horse and prepare her for the trip home.

She then glared at Xena as she turned to face her while still speaking to her fellow Amazons.

We're leaving immediately. It seems that darling to trust anyone outside ourselves was a mistake.

Xena scowled at the implication as Terreis's body was taken from Melosa who then moved to stand toe to toe with the Conqueror.

(Irritated tone) You can't possibly think I'm responsible for this.

(Quiet angry tone) And what am I supposed to think? My only daughter was assassinated within your walls Conqueror. In fact, I'd even dare to say that based on the Method of this latent attack that this was an attempt on not only her life, but mine and the rest of my party that accompanied me here. And to think that I was foolish enough to believe we were allies and lowered my guard around you. A mistake that I will never let happen again.

In a flash Melosa drew a dagger from her boot and lunged for Xena in a grief fueled rage. She drove her blade straight for Xena's chest as before anyone else could react Xena grabbed Melosa's wrist, twisted it and kicked the back of the Amazon queen's knee, causing her to drop to one knee as before Melosa could recover a series of guards had moved in with their weapons drawn and surrounded her and the Conqueror who held Melosa in place as she grabbed a handful of the queen's hair and tilted her head back to look at the Conqueror as she spoke.

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