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It was silent, without another soul in sight as the small group of Velasca and her followers exited Gabrielle's hut with Velasca taking the lead as the women accompanying her carried Gabrielle that was in a semiconscious state after the severe beating that she had received from the three native Amazons. The cold wind blew through the surrounding trees as a thin layer of snow left a trail of footprints from the women as they trekked further into the woods to find a good place to finish what they had planned for the unwanted new addition to their tribe.

This should be far enough out where no one will hear anything or just happen to wonder out and interrupted us.

Velasca stopped as she turned to the pair of women following her as one of them questioned what they were going to do with Gabrielle. Velasca gave an evil grin.

We finish what we started and leave her remains for the animals to get rid of the rest.

Despite to get away, and with as much strength as she could muster in greatly weakened state, Gabrielle struggled to get free. Her frantic fight for freedom however ended up shortly lived as Velasca walked up to her while she was still being restrained and drove a powerful punch into Gabrielle's stomach. Gabrielle groaned in pain as the shot forced her to double over, but she remained on her feet due to the other women still holding her by her arms. Another punch landed on the side of Gabrielle's face and then another that made her legs completely give out, and she dropped toward the ground but only fell to her knees as the Amazons holding her arms prevented her from crumbling into the snow completely. And as she was being held in place, Gabrielle raised her head to look up at Velasca through pain filled eyes, and relieved only an expression of utter indifference from the Amazon, who appeared unfazed by the suffering she was inflicting.

(Weak tone) Please... no mo...

Another hard punch abruptly rendered Gabrielle silent when Velasca's fist connected with the side of Gabrielle's head and everything again became a blur as Gabrielle went totally limp and the other Amazon's let her fall face down into the snow. Drawing a dagger, Velasca stepped closer to Gabrielle as she motioned for her associates to lift Gabrielle to her knees once more


Velasca looked down at the battered Gabrielle who was picked up under each arm before having her head yanked back by her hair to look up at her attackers.

To finish this.

The Amazon pulled a dagger from her hip and brought the blade to Gabrielle's throat as in that moment Gabrielle saw her life ending. And after everything that she had escaped and the terrifying experiences she had endured, being beaten and killed by people who she had thought had saved her from a life that she had been so desperate to flee was quickly turned what had felt like a dream into a living nightmare. Although the living part of that statement looked to change as Gabrielle closed her eyes to await her end but quickly opened them barely a moment later as she heard a loud yell and saw Velasca turn her head toward the sound.

What in the...?

The sound grew louder as Gabrielle soon saw several riders on horseback emerge from through the trees a short distance away that appeared to be heading in their direction. She attempted to yell for help, but found herself barely able to even speak as she was abruptly shoved to the ground where she remained without the strength to move and listened as the Amazon's got into a defensive position to face whoever was coming they way. There was another loud yelling that Gabrielle could have sworn sounded familiar but found herself unable to focus on as at that point it had become a struggle just to remain conscious. But as she finally lost that particular battle and her awareness slipped into darkness, Gabrielle silently thanked the unknown riders, who even if hadn't completely saved her, their presence at least allowed her to go into a place where even if it was still the end, she'd likely be none the wiser until it was already over and Gabrielle was on the other side.

You know, it seems pretty spineless that an apparent skilled Amazonian warrior would need the help of a couple goons to savagely beat down and kill one of their own who's unarmed.

The horses came to a stop in front of the small group of Amazons who held their weapons drawn on their unwelcome guests.

What do you think you're doing here? You aren't welcome on these lands, per order of the queen, Conqueror.

A cold wind blew as Xena remained seated on her steed and she stared intensely at Velasca with her hand on her sheathed swords handle.

You state her orders as though you didn't attempt to kill Melosa right alongside her daughter.

Velasca scowled.

(Lying) I don't know what you're talking about.

Xena smirked

Oh, but don't you?

She reached down into a pouch that hung off of her horse's saddle and pulled out one of the Amazonian style arrows that she had uncovered in her investigation of Terreis's death.

I believe this belongs to you.

She tossed the arrow on the ground in front of Velasca who took a quick look at the item that laid in front of and shot the Conqueror an angry look.

(Quiet angry tone) This has nothing to do with you. So what are you doing here? What do you want Conqueror?

You have something that belongs to me.

Xena dismounted her horse as she held her sword ready for a fight, with Leonidas and the rest of the soldier's with her doing the same as she looked at Gabrielle who was still laying in the snow before turning her intense eyes back on Velasca and her allies.

And I want her back.


CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ