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It was late morning as a series of horses were brought to a stop along a small ridge that overlooked a vast scenery before them.

I'm not seeing anything around here my lord. Are you certain that Draco's army gonna come this way?

The Conqueror gazed over the expanse of area as she used her incredibly well honed and battle tested instincts to read into the situation at hand before speaking.

I'm sure of it.

Not to question your instincts my lord, but with so many ways to come in toward the village what makes you so sure that they'll attack from this side?

Because it's exactly what I would do.

Without saying another word Xena gave her horse a nudge with her feet to begin moving again as Leonidas and the rest of Xena's men followed her toward the village. The Conqueror led the portion of the army she had brought with her a little closer to their destination before spotting a large group of soldiers in the distance which appeared to be heading in the village's direction as well. And judging from the size of the group of riders and noting the specific way they were dressed, Xena didn't have any doubt about just who the group of people were. So with a scowl on her face and a swift draw of her blade, Xena let out a commanding yell as she got her horse into a fast gallop straight for the opposing group of soldiers.

Kill 'em all!

Leonidas and the rest of Xena's men followed the Conqueror as they all stampeded directly toward the other army.

What was that?

A yell could be heard ringing through the air as a number of soldiers amung the large group stopped their March and looked in the direction of which the sound had originated from. The sound echoed through the area as it reached the front of the army and their leader smirked to himself at the sound.

(Thinking to himself) I was wondering when she would show up.

Draco turned the horse he was riding around to see Xena and her men rapidly closing in.

(Angry tone) Xena.

Hector drew his blade as he scowled at the incoming Conqueror. He was just about to begin charging for her when Draco put his arm out in front of him in a clear order for him not to attack.

No, let her come. I've been waiting for this.

Hector gave Draco a questioning expression that was met with a confident chuckle.

Oh we don't have anything to fear from Xena any more. Not with the powerful alliance I've made.

You've mentioned this alliance before but never said anything about who it was.

Draco smirked.

Oh don't worry I'm sure you'll see who it is soon enough. Now what do you say we go meet up with the soon to be ex-conqueror of Greece and let her know that her reign has come to an end.

With a vocal command to his horse, Draco began casually riding toward Xena with Hector following close behind.

It seems as though they've spotted us and are coming our way my lord.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now