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It was a quiet, yet tense trip as Gabrielle and Elle were escorted by the group of Amazons they had run into after inadvertently wandering into their borders. As the two walked among the other women they couldn't help but be fearful for what might happen to them after being brought before these women's queen.

(Talking quietly) What do you think is gonna happen to us?

(Whisper) No idea. But what I'd really like to know is what I possibly could've done to anger the gods so much where I keep ending up in these situations.

(Stern tone) Quiet back there. Both of you.

The Amazon looked over her shoulder at the two young women as the group continued walking.

We'll be arriving in the village in a few minutes. You'll have plenty opportunity to talk when you're brought before our queen.

Gabrielle and Elle did as instructed and continued on in silence as it wasn't long until they found themselves standing at the entrance of what was clearly a large Amazon village. A couple of masked women met the group and greeted their fellow Amazons upon their return before allowing them to enter before Ephiny spoke with one of them.

Do you know if the queen is busy at the moment?

Not that I'm aware of. Why do you ask?

Ephiny stepped aside and motioned to Gabrielle and Elle standing behind her, still bound by the rope around their wrists.

We found them trespassing on our lands. They say that they wondered in by mistake.

As if we're supposed to believe that.

Hey it's the truth.

Velasca glared at Gabrielle.

(Sterb tone) No one was talking to you.

Well it is. We never meant to intrude on your lands, honest.

Velasca scoffed, still not believing them as Terreis spoke up next, addressing the Amazon who had been speaking with Ephiny.

Anyway, could you please tell mother that we need to see her.

Oh I see. Of course, I shall inform the queen right away.

The woman walked away as Gabrielle and Elle were escorted to a large cage that sat off to the far side of the village and were locked inside as they were then left alone.

Hey let us out of here!

Gabrielle shook at the sturdy wooden bars of the cage door as she shouted to the women passing by, trying to get free.

Don't worry you'll be let out soon enough when queen Melosa summons you. Though if I were you I'd enjoy the safety of that cage you're in now while you still have the chance.

The woman chuckled at the ominous comment as she walked away leaving Gabrielle with a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach as she leaned her forehead against the bars of the cage.

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