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With the arrival of the group of Amazons, the Conqueror's keep was busier than normal with the rushed need to accommodate the visitors as Xena lead the visiting women inside. Once within the building's walls, Xena and Melosa separated from the rest of the group as they stood off to the side of the large entrance room to speak a bit more privately.

Given the situation you briefly mentioned outside, am I to assume that this isn't going to be a lengthy visit?

It's not planned to be no. I hope that we can come to an agreement quickly. The last thing I want is to give our attackers more opportunity to prey on my people.

Makes sense.

Xena motioned for Leonidas who was standing among the guards that remained at attention for Xena's next orders to join her and Melosa.

My lord.

Have some of the servants prepare several rooms and show these visiting women to them.

As you wish.

And send word to the kitchen that we'll be having a grand dinner in honor of our guests.

The Conqueror looked at Melosa.

If that's alright with you?

It's not necessary but if that's what you want, we'll graciously accept your hospitality Conqueror.

Xena returned her attention to Leonidas.

You heard the woman.

Consider it done. I'll get on it right away.

With a quick salute, Leonidas walked off to do as instructed as Xena looked at the Amazon queen.

I'm gonna assume that you'd rather wait to be shown to your room and get straight to the business of why you're here.

The sooner, the better. I trust that I can leave my sister's in your people's care.

Xena gave a quick nod to assure that the other Amazons would be just fine as she turned away.

Fine. Follow me.

So as a group of servants came to escort the other visiting Amazons to their rooms, Xena lead Melosa thought the keep, to her study.

It's been quite a while sense we spoke last, hasn't it?

I suppose it has.

The two leaders entered the Conqueror's study as Xena closed the door behind them to give them privacy to discuss matters freely, before mowing further into the room.

Can I offer you anything?

I'm fine, thanks.

Xena motioned to a chair in offering for the Amazon queen to have a seat as she sat down behind her desk.

I'd rather stand if you don't mind.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now