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A cold wind blew as Xena stood before Velasca and her followers ready for a fight as the Amazon stepped slightly closer to the Conqueror with a scowl on her face.

This is none of your concern Conqueror, you're trespassing on Amazon lands. Now leave.

Xena stood unintimidated by the other women who had begun to spread out in an attempt to surround her and the small group of soldiers that accompanied her.

Oh no, I'm not going anywhere. Not until I get what I came here for.

The Conqueror's eyes moved to where Gabrielle laid unmoving in the snow of which didn't go unnoticed by Velasca who smiled.

You mean to say you traveled all this way just to get Gabrielle?

Velasca snickered.

My, my, Conqueror. It would appear that you've begun to grow soft. In fact if I didn't know any better I'd say that you actually care about that worthless piece of false Amazon trash.

The other Amazons chuckled along with Velasca as Xena stood there silently before a devilish smile crossed her face.

Is that what you think?

The Conqueror drew her sword and twirled it casually in her hand as she continued with a far more sinister tone in her voice.

(Sinister tone) No. You see I'm not particularly a fan of people taking what's mine. And she...

Xena pointed toward Gabrielle with her sword.

(Sinister tone) belongs to me.
So I'm afraid that regardless of what you or your queen says, I'll just be taking her back now.

You don't scare me Conqueror. At least not like this.

Velasca motioned for her associates to surround Xena who motioned for Leonidas and her other soldiers to remain in place when Velasca pointed her blade down toward the unconscious Gabrielle.

I have the advantage. You see, I know about your injury, Conqueror. And though you tried to mask it while we were at your keep, it's apparent that you still haven't fully recovered from it.

Velasca smiled as she saw Xena breathing slightly heavier than usual.

Infact though you're trying to hide it, I can see the effects of that said injury as we speak.

Xena growled to herself at how observant the Amazon was as she thought that she had been doing a good job of making the pain that she was actually in due to the fast-paced ride jarring her body and thus affecting the ever persistent injury to her chest. However, regardless of whether the injury was bothering her or not, Xena was confident that it would hold no bearing on this confrontation. Even if these women were Amazons, in regard to combat, the Conqueror was familiar with their typical tactics. And as such knew of multiple ways of combating them injured or not and smirked as the thought of crushing this group of Amazons crossed her mind.

Well if I was at my full strength it would make this too easy.

Xena twirled her sword in a quick arch again as she moved her feet further apart and assumed a better fighting stance as she held her blade at the ready.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now