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The dining room was filled with people as Gabrielle entered the room with Terreis. The dining table had been extended by adding another long table to each end in order to accommodate so many visitors. Multiple dishes and platters of food had already been spread down the tables, with the servants placing several more as multiple people from both the keep and the Amazons moved to the available seats but remained standing as they waited for everyone else to find a place and for the two leaders to give the go ahead to sit. As more people begin to find a seat Gabrielle and Terreis heard a voice behind them.

You should find a place to sit before space runs out.

The two young women looked over their shoulders to see the Conqueror's lieutenant standing behind them.


The princess looked at Gabrielle.

Come on Gabrielle. Come sit with me.

Gabrielle looked down the length of the table to see an open spot next to the Amazons queen that had clearly been reserved for Terreis to sit beside her mother. And noted that there were only the Amazons seated on that side of the table.

I don't think there's room for me. Plus it looks like it's just your people sitting on that side so...

I'm sure it's fine Gabrielle. You're my friend,, so I doubt anyone will mind if you sit with me. Besides seeing us mingling will probably help to ease any awkwardness or tension between everyone here.

(Skeptical tone) I guess.

And even if it ends up not being okay I'm sure the worst thing that'll happen is you'll just be asked to move.

Still not completely sure, but seeing that everyone else who weren't the Conqueror or the queen were already seated and clearly waiting on them to sit, Gabrielle just decided to go with Terreis and followed the princess to a couple of open spots near Melosa and sat down as Terreis greeted her mother, who gave Gabrielle a quick glance before looking back at Terreis who smiled. Gabrielle sat completely straight with her hands folded across her lap as she felt unsure of what she should do, before Melosa turned her attention away from the two and to Xena who stood at the other end of the tables and gave a small nod to say that Gabrielle sitting there was fine with her and Xena moved on, picking up the goblet of the keeps finest wine that was on the table before her and raised it in the air as she began to address the room.

This evening we welcome our guests. Melosa, queen of the Amazons. Her daughter Terreis and the rest of the women that have accompanied them from their tribe. All of whom have come in search of aid against Draco and his army. And while it's no secret that though we may be allies, queen Melosa and I haven't always seen eye to eye on how we each run our respective kingdoms. But throughout the years we've come to understand and hold a great respect in for one another as leaders who at the end of the day want what's best for the people they each ruled over. So it goes without saying that I will gladly join forces with her and her people in order to defeat Draco, his army and whoever joins him in his foolish attempt at taking what's not his. So make no mistake that by the time we're done with all of them, Draco and his allies will be nothing more than a stain on the history of Greece that too will quickly fade from memory while this kingdom only grows and spreads over their shallow graves. But though Draco's days are numbered, tonight isn't about his impending demise. Tonight we celebrate our guests and a strong alliance that we've forged.

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