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A loud thud Jarred Gabrielle awakes from her slumber as she jumped slightly before groaning when the sudden movement exasperated her injured ribs. Gabrielle grabbed at her side as she laid there, before her eyes focused on a pair of boots sitting on the floor not far from her face. She then heard a voice above her and raised her head to see the Conqueror sitting on the bed looking at a piece of paper before rolling it up and putting it into a pouch in her pack. The woman glanced over at Gabrielle for a moment before returning her attention to her current task of looking over a couple more things as she placed them in her pack.

Good you're finally awake. Get up and get yourself together. And make it quick, I've got things to do today.

Gabrielle sat up and stretched out a bit as she tried to relieve the aches and stiffness in her body from her injuries paired with sleeping on the hard floor. A combination that was not pleasant in the least. She winced and let out a painful groan as the pain from her injured ribs hit once again. The sound got a brief glance from the Conqueror before she finished putting her things away and walked out of the room, leaving Gabrielle alone. After a moment, Gabrielle pushed through the pain and got to her feet as she stood looking around the small room.

(Thinking to herself) Get myself together? What's that supposed to mean?

Gabrielle looked over and saw a full-body mirror standing in the corner of the room. She moved a little closer and ran her fingers through her disheveled reddish-gold hair until it was straighter. She then stood there for a moment, wondering why she had been so quick to do as she was told. But then felt a bit of fear hit her when she saw the reflection of the Conqueror returning to the room. Gabrielle turned around and stood there as the other woman appeared to give her a quick look over.

Good enough.

She then tossed an apple in Gabrielle's direction before turning away as she began walking back out of the room.

Let's go.

Gabrielle stood there for a moment holding the piece of fruit, still trying to process everything she'd been through over the past few days. It almost didn't seem real. Or at least Gabrielle wished it wasn't anyway. But it was. All of it. And now there she stood in a city far off from Potidea as she was being kept by the ruthless, feared Conqueror. What would become of her? Gabrielle had no way of knowing. So far, the Conqueror hadn't done anything to harm her. But with a reputation like the one she had, Gabrielle could only assume that if she wasn't careful around this woman, she would be in very serious danger.

(Slightly Irritated/ threatening tone) I'm not waiting all day, girl. Stop standing there staring off into nowhere before I give you something to really stare at.

Gabrielle's focus quickly came back to the present as she saw the Conqueror standing by the door to the room looking at her impatiently. She then walked over and Xena opened the door, leading her out to the hallway and down the stairs. Xena then looked at the already crowded room. Most of her men were still passed out from the night before, but there were several awake and sitting at a table together being their typical rude selves to the severs as they walked by trying to ignore them and do their jobs. One of them noticed Xena and immediately stopped hassling the women as he looked away before the rest noticed Xena as well and also pretended they hadn't been doing anything.

Gonna need to give some of those newer recruits a lesson in decency

Xena looked over to see Leonidas sitting at the bar with a few others from her army. He took a more gulp of his drink before putting the cup on the counter.

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