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Gabrielle looked at the large, decadent room that she, the Conqueror, and who Gabrielle assumed was the Conqueror's top general, Leonidas, had barged into. She stood just inside near the doorway, watching the Conqueror, who was wearing a feral smile as she took a few more steps into the room and spoke to the man who had nearly been scared out of his chair when she abruptly burst into the room.

What's the matter, Petrodes? Not happy to see me?

The man, Petrodes, stood and faced the Conqueror, attempting to put up an air of bravado that Gabrielle couldn't tell was real or not as he spoke.

(Arrogant tone) Well if it isn't the mighty Xena herself?

Xena scowled at the use of her name in such a casual way. No one called her just by her name, not even those she considered to be her closest allies. It was always something along the lines of "my lord Conqueror," "my lord," "my Conqueror." Sometimes, on very rare occasions, she would get something like "her lord Conqueror, Xena." But never just her actual name. She took it as a blatant show of disrespect, especially considering the way that Petrodes had said it. It was obvious to Xena that he had indeed intended it to come across that way. Normally, she would kill someone who dared to disrespect her in such a manner, but Xena reminded herself of Petrodes' status and knew that outright killing him without any actual reason would only cause her more problems in the long run. So, for the time being, Xena kept her composure and attempted to handle the situation diplomatically, as difficult as it might be due to the unpleasantly familiar feeling she got from this man that reminded her of another enemy who always found a way of getting under her skin like no one else ever could.

So, tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of your gracing me with your presence?

Don't play dumb with me, Petrodes. You know why I'm here.

Oh yes, of course.

Xena watched as Petrodes casually strolled over to a table, poured some wine into a goblet, and then picked it up.

Can I offer you a drink?

He smiled, but Xena knew that it was all a ruse. She and Petrodes had never gotten along, and why would they? She wanted his city, and he was the last holdout in the area who hadn't either completely surrendered or voluntarily pledged their loyalty to her. And that bothered Xena to no end. After all, her goal was to completely unite all of Greece under her rule. Since she had started on this venture several years ago, she had gathered a fairly large portion of the country under her ownership, to mixed reviews by those she had taken under her sovereignty. But whether people agreed with her or not wasn't Xena's concern. Her focus was on uniting Greece and molding it into a thriving land where no one would dare come up against anyone or any place under her watchful eyes ever again.

I'm good.

Petrodes shrugged as he took a sip from his cup.

Suit yourself.

He then walked over and sat in a large chair, reclining in the seat as he casually sipped his wine.

I suppose you want to get straight to business.

Well, I'm certainly not here for the fun of it.

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