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With a slew of disturbing thoughts of what potentially lay ahead for her, Gabrielle followed the young woman named Elle through the building that she assumed was the Conqueror's residence when she wasn't out terrorizing innocent people or doing whatever else the woman did. With her head hung low, Gabrielle walked quietly behind the other woman who looked to be about the same age as Gabrielle, possibly a little older. This fact made Gabrielle wonder what could have brought such a seemingly young and unassuming woman to come into the service of the Conqueror. Was she like Gabrielle, a captive that was taken for whatever reason the Conqueror felt was called for? A servant? An outright slave that the Conqueror kept along with who knew how many others meant to cater to her every beck and call without question? So many more questions ran through Gabrielle's mind as she looked at the young woman. Elle was of average build, just slightly taller than Gabrielle, and had fair skin with long, flowing red hair that she wore down with some slight natural waves and curls to it. She had on a long blue dress with some simple golden designs around the neck, around the bottom of the dress, and where her sleeves connected to the torso of the dress. The blue color of the dress matched the young woman's eyes, along with the small gem that she wore around her neck, which Gabrielle figured was probably cheap or a worthless fake if the woman was a slave or servant. Although if she were the Conqueror's slave, how would she have gotten it or the fairly nice-looking dress to begin with? Gabrielle thought that it was possible if she was a slave, maybe the Conqueror had the slaves she would see more or all the slaves she might have wear decent clothing so she wasn't looking at people walking around in rags. Though she wondered about the woman's exact status within the keep, Gabrielle didn't ask as she didn't want to possibly upset the seemingly friendly girl if she was, in fact, being held there against her will. Gabrielle's thoughts were interrupted when Elle stopped in front of a door and opened it.

This way, Gabrielle. We'll get you checked out by a healer first.

Gabrielle walked into the room and was fully examined by one of the women there. She had the multiple cuts and scrapes cleaned, and fortunately, none were too deep or had heated enough to not require stitches or bandages. Her injured ribs were also significantly better than they had been, but just as a precaution, the healer wrapped some fresh bandages around her just to make sure Gabrielle would fully heal properly. Saying that they could probably come off in a few days to a week. After being asked how she got hurt, Gabrielle told the healer and Elle about her escape from Hector and the rest of the slavers. She began to cry as the thoughts of her sister and mother and where they might be now.

It sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm sure it isn't much comfort, but for what it's worth, I'm really sorry that you had to go through that.

Gabrielle sniffled as she wiped the still-flowing tears from her eyes and cheeks as the healer finished her work.

Thank you.

Once Gabrielle was dressed Elle walked to the door and held it open.

Come on, we should get going. Don't wanna keep her lordship waiting.

Elle lead Gabrielle out of the healers area as she began making her way towards the Conqueror's quarters.

So after you escaped from those slavers, how did you end up with the lord Conqueror?

I wandered around for a while before spotting her camp in the distance. I was so exhausted when I stumbled across her and didn't know who she was when I asked for help before I passed out. The next thing I know, I'm in her tent and then she just takes me with her.

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