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It was early the next morning as Gabrielle followed Solari through the village after the Amazon had come to get her from the small hut she had been staying in since her return to the village.

So you really aren't going to tell me what's going on.


Gabrielle made a slightly annoyed groan as she never particularly enjoyed being kept in the dark about things. Especially when those things happened to have something to do with her. Not because she didn't trust people, but because in general she had always been a curious type of person and would usually be able to figure out any kind of surprise that her family had planned for her. Which always drove her sister Lila crazy and gave Gabrielle a good laugh in the process. And as Gabrielle's mind wandered to thoughts of her sister and the rest of her family, the sad realization of just how long it had been since their village had been attacked and her mother and sister had been taken with a number of other villagers. Gabrielle silently hoped that they were all okay as now that she had at last gotten away from the Conqueror, Gabrielle could finally search for them and maybe now due to her new place among the Amazons, she would actually stand a realistic chance of getting them back.

Here we are.

Hearing the other Amazon's voice, Gabrielle was brought out of her thoughts as she noticed that they were standing in front of a large hut that was considerably larger than most of the other buildings in the village aside from the queen's hut that belonged to Melosa.

What's this?

The hut that you've been staying in was only temporary until after your induction ceremony, and we finished getting this one ready for you.

Solari opened the door and held it for Gabrielle to go inside.

Welcome to your new home, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle stepped inside and looked around at the fully furnished hut that had been prepared just for her. As to say that it was beautifully decorated to Gabrielle seemed to be an understatement as she looked around in awe or the apparent lengths that the women in the village had gone to just for her. Because though it had been somewhat of a drastic change to go from her simple village life to seeing the wealth and comforts that the Conqueror had amassed within her keep, it was different when those nice things were specifically meant for Gabrielle herself. Of which gave her pause as she wasn't sure how she should feel about having all of this just given to her simply because of the new title that she held.

Solari, I, I don't know what to say.

Seeing the odd look that came across Gabrielle's face, the Amazon looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Something the matter? Is there something here that's not to your liking?

Somewhat surprised by Solari's question, Gabrielle turned to the Amazon as she quickly explained herself. Not wanting it seem as though she was letting her new title go to her head and that she was being ungrateful.

Oh no it's not that at all. If anything I feel like this is all too much. You guys really didn't have to do all of this just for me.

Solari smiled.

Nonsense. You're Amazon royalty. Next in line to take the throne. It's customary for our leaders to live as such.

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