Chapter 27

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Koen's POV

"Dude, that was awesome, I mean, like, always. Another awesome fight of the night!" Josh exaggerates loudly once I exist the ring.

My right ear still rings from the last hit to my side and my headache slowly fades as I no longer hear the roar of the crowds of people and the blurry dark spots in my vision.

I thank him before taking a sip from my bottle. Josh follows me to the back of the change room while he chatters away about how he had been excepted to be a guard at this exclusive once in a life time event.

"And when is this 'special society' event happening? Doesn't it sound... sketchy?" I play along as I wipe my sweat off with a towel.

"Dude, you don't believe me, do you? But I'm telling you, for real for real, that this crazy family just selected me. It's a little rushed but this coming weekends." Josh protests with all his heart, "plus, this is just a hobby dude." He raised both his hands up indicating the arena, "I'm finally settling a real job."

I don't kill his light and stay silent, packing my gears into my backpack and changing into my sweatpants and hoodie.
"And dude, don't be like me. Stuck in this dark life to make money just cause I dropped school." Josh is only a few years older than me yet he sounds like he lived 3 lives already.

"I'm sure you'll be a great guard...-"

"Dude!" Josh suddenly jumps from the bench with his phone shoved into my face. My eyes slowly adjusts to the blur and sees a video. "Dude, look what was just posted. 7 minutes ago. A bike race near us, dude. Let's check it out. We're done anyways."

Josh quickly shoves his phone back into his jeans, grabbed my bag and shoved it into my arms, then reached for my helmet and his and slammed my locker shut before walking to the parking lot for our bikes.


We reach the abandoned highway within a rough 15 minute ride which was further than I had expected. The road was like any other highway besides its poor condition, cracked surfaces and random patches of weed growing out of it. I've been to many race meet ups before but never one that was crowded like this. Endless types of motorcycles and imported cars were on standby and display.

After circling around for some time, we park our motorbikes close to where the races are held at. Looking around, I can already identify where exactly was the race as an audience the size of a zoo were crowded at. Others who weren't interested in the race were either shooting a live sex tape on the hood of someone's car or inhaling substances.

"Dude, wanna race?" Josh runs over to my bike after he kills his engine.

"To win what?" I rather just watch for a while than leave for some sleep. I been on work since early morning.

"I don't know. Maybe some girl's number, dude." Josh pulls me off my bike and turns off my engine, throwing me my keys.

Josh somehow manages to push through the crowd that seemed almost glued together, pulling me through as well. As we guilty claimed the front row, two women were ready on their bike for their race.

"Yo dude, do you know the rules? We just arrived late." Josh suddenly asked a stranger next to him. God, I fear anxiety is scared of him.

"It's pretty simple, bro. Once they reach their flags at the end, circle it three times and back. First comes win the heavy dough." The man speaks loud and clear in his southern accent.

"Thanks dude."


Serena's POV

The Villainess Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang