Chapter 12

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Serena's POV

The Elite Empire, one of the most successful business within the Vespertine's businesses. The business is located in all major cities of the world, every state it's own. With two main purposes; to extend territory and to gain connections from greater people.

The Elite Empire runs differently from other luxury shopping malls, making it difficult for regular millionaires and celebrities to enter. To be exact, the shopping mall is a theme to cover up, an identity to hide its true purpose of existing.
Mainly blue bloods, nobles, Vespertine's business partners and connections, all have VIP access to enter.
The rules are well known to all.

As I arrive to The Elite Empire earlier than the scheduled date with Chloe, entering the main entrance, dozens of employees were already aligned on either side greeting my presence at once.

Accessing the private elevator which only leads up to the top floor, I walk past all the workers without a single muscle moved upon my face. 

To show no weakness and fear is absolute power one can hold.

All the employees who works under the Vespertine's business are raised orphans and under the Vespertine's many orphanages.
They were all raised to have the best education, etiquettes, combat training and most importantly loyalty to the bloodline of Vespertine.
Mother had surely played her games well.

I settle onto one of the large white leather sofa and press a ring for a staff.
In seconds a young woman walks in with her head lowered, "Yes, Young mistress?"

"Call the head manager here. And prepare my usual breakfast."

"Right away." She spoke softly and carries the message away.

"Young mistress, I am 4847A, Joanna the head manager." She stands by the table. Her hair was short, rectangular glasses, and formal fit.

"It will be short, Joanna. For today, I want you to inform all employees to act like I am not Vespertine's young Mistress but a regular. I will be with this other girl who will try to enter the building. I want you to somehow fool her into thinking she is allowed in. Am I clear?"

Joanna briefly smiles, "yes, young mistress. However, may I ask for the time it will occur?" She holds her smile and light eyes.

"10:30. You may leave now." As she exits she glances down her watch.
It's 9:48 right now.

"Your breakfast, young mistress." Another woman dressed in a black dress and a white apron ontop, her hair neatly tied back. She pushes the food cart to the right of me, setting everything onto the dinning table then silently leaving after a bow.

Taking a seat, I pick up my fork and knife cutting into my toast. Chewing, I look around seeing my plate of fruits, my Coffee and guava juice but there's no color for me to enjoy.

Large open windows surrounds me yet I can't see the blue sky I use to lie under . Settling onto my plate of fruits now, strawberries were red, blueberries were blue, grapes were green so was kiwis.
It's pointless recalling there colors, I can barely remember how the colors look like exactly.

Jesus fuck, how depressing do I sound?

Opening the glass door to the balcony, I pull out my pack of cigarettes and lighter. It's been a while.

Taking in a long drag and exhaling it out, I already feel better. I continue to finish my cigarette and watch over the city view, cars moving like ants and people walking looking like dirt rolling in the direction where the wind blows them.

"Lady Serena, should I still continue to be your guard for today? I just checked Chloe Ledger and saw she is with a Guard." Vincent appears behind me.

"Yeah, you could carry my shopping bags." I turn back inside for the ash tray but Vincent was already holding it in his palm. I kill the smoke with little pressure to it on the ash tray.

"It's time, we should head down."

With that we went down to the main entrance again and waited. A short 5 minutes past and her car pulls in.

"Sorry traffic was a bitch." She giggles along side me after an awkward hug she forced onto everyone she considers 'friends'.

"It's ok, I just got here too but why did you pick this place?" I soften my voice like how I had always spoken to her in school.

"I've never been here before, and you must know of the rules here. I'm certain I'm allowed in, my daddy is of course someone important in the political circle." Her eyes roll at the sight of the front securities as she proudly pushes her hair back then looking at her nails as if it was the most beautiful gem ever.

"Yeah~ but my papa is just a regular businessman in New York." I lie, averting my eyes around nervously.

"Have some confidence in me, Amelia." Then she proceeds to link arms with me, pulling me to the front entrance as Vincent and her guard tails behind.

Two men stands on each side of the entrance wearing their black suits. Their tall, masculine built and their stone like expression causes Chloe's brows to furrow in what looks like fear and doubt.

"Your names and purpose here for today, please?" The man on the right speaks roboticly, yet trying to avoid long eye contact with Vincent and I.

"Chloe Ledger daughter of Peter Ledger and Amelia Hearst, we're here to shop." Chloe answers holding her chin high while pulling our sides closer.

He taps his tablet, reading all her unworthy background status and quickly glances over my way.

I raised my brows slightly indicating my approval and to further act upon the plan I had given to his head manager before.

"Problem?" She impatiently questions. Her insecurities are crystal clear right now.

"Of course not, miss Ledger. You are welcome in. Please." He forms a tight smile and both the men held the door open for us.

Not long after a safe distance she loosen her arm from me and let out an animalistic squeal.
"Of course, I'm worthy enough for this Elite Empire. Sooner or later they will be sending me invitations to visit."
She happily skips into one of the store with her guard.

As I slowly follow in, Vincent couldn't help but whisper a comment to my ear, "delusional people are truely a different breed."

The day would be simple, as I need to narrow down her true purpose of inviting me alone to the Elite Empire.
And to impress her but not surpass her.

We visit multiple luxuries stores, buying numbers of seasonal wears of dresses to shoes and then jewellery.

Throughout the time Vincent has been secretly assisting me in informing me on the colors and details of what we are looking at. He suggests and notify me on what to point out to not lead any suspicions on my quietness around Chloe.

"Lastly, I would like you to help me choose a present for my Dad." She suddenly changes the subject as we exist another store.

I try not to react strongly towards the mention of her soon to be dead father, "what's its for? birthday or normal meeting gift?" I asked knowing Peter's birthday had already passed.

"More like a 'remember your daughter' gift." She looks down and sadly laughs to herself.

"A watch would be great." I suggest as my eyes set straight towards the large logo Bovet.

"Omg yes! A watch is perfect!"

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