Chapter 16

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Koen's POV

"Pasta. Help me make pasta." She whispers near my ear sending shocks through my body. Then she pulls back far and search my eyes for response.

".... pasta?" I mutter then lift her by the waist so that she stands tip toeing close to my front. I learn further to the side of her ears, "what pasta do you want?"

Amelia doesn't flinch or pull back for a moment before she turns her head to my ears again, "chicken mushroom?" Then she gentle nudges me away to search the cupboards and draws.

Amelia reaches for the package of pasta on the top self and I corner her between the table and I, whispering down to her closer than needed, "half fill a pot with water and add a pinch of salt in." Then I reach for the pasta and put it into her reaching hand.

It's something about her that I'm so heavenly addicted too; being close to her, touching her or any damn opportunity given to me to be with her, I'll take it. Amelia slides out from between me and ready the pot with water.

I quickly collect all the vegetables in the fridge and wash them throughly as she now stands beside me quietly, waiting for my next order. "Heat up a large pan, low heat."

Then I start to dice the garlic and cut the mushrooms on the chopping board.
A small nudge to my hip wins a small response, "mmh?"
"I added the pasta in the boil water already. Anything else?" She whispers and her eyes following my hands.
"Get the chicken breast out the fridge, cut them into slices, put them in a bowl, then add the seasoning I left there and coat them in."
She flies into action standing right beside me doing her task with the most serious concentrating face.

I turn to add half a block of butter in the pan and rushed to turn off the heat to the pasta pot. Amelia taps me from behind and presents to me her hard work results. I take the bowl from her and then a tong from the hook and pan fry the marinated chickens until they're nearly golden.

"Garlic." I extend out my free hand and Amelia places the tiny ingredient bowl perfectly. Then repeats.
"Salt."..... "Pepper." ..... "Bacon."..... "mushroom"..... "oregano."......"heavy cream."..... then I place the pasta in with a few scoops of the pasta water.

Noticing her stand so quietly beside me I offer to hand her the tongs, "just stir." I hold her tight beside the waist and watch her. How her brows are slightly furrowed together and her lips pressed into a near thin line. God, I could watch her forever and never get bored. She could be wet paint and I would watch her all day until she's dry.

"It's done. Let's plate it." I switch the stove off and unwilling release her to fetch the plates.
I twirl the pasta onto each plate then sprinkled on some Parmesan. Amelia then brings the two plate onto the side counter which I'm guessing are her roommates.
She then runs over to me maybe now kicking me out after making her whole house dinner. Instead she grabs a fork and twirls a bite size neatly before holding it up to my mouth.

Holy fuck! She's feeding me.

A smile tugs my lip as I watch her ambitiously hold the pasta for me but I tease, "it's still hot."
She hurries to bring it back to her lips and blow on it for a few times and when she offers it back to my lips I don't hesitate to take it.

She still watches me as I chew then swallow, "it's fine beside the missing scent of wine." Then I lower to her closer than we already are. "What's for tomorrow?"


Serena's POV

Tomorrow? Jesus fuck! I haven't thought about it.

I scoff, "can you make pizza." rhetorically saying still not moving away from his approach.

"I can. But I'm talking about breakfast as well." His whisper sends flutters within my stomach. "Give me your number."

I step back meeting his devilish face with a stupid smirk plastered on. "I'll text you what to do." He continues explaining but his hands had already snaked my phone from my pocket. Only it wasn't my phone but my cigarettes and lighter.
He holds them out confused and was about to question me when Chloe's voice calls, "we smell food! We'll be out now."

Shit. Fuck. I hastily tug Koen to the door and push him outside right as Chloe and Kathy burst out the door with excitements, "Why are you closing the door?"

"Ahh, nothing. I was fanning the smoke out." I try to play cool but I could still feel the sweat forming on my forehead. Shutting the door I bring my plate back over and join the sitting.

"It looks good, Amelia." Chloe says picking up her fork.
"It fucking smell hella good." Kathy digs in and moans in pleasure when she chews.
I twirl a neat piece then place it into my mouth, then suddenly remembering that it was the same fork Koen had eaten from.

"I'm glad you like it." I say happily but really deep down I didn't want them or anyone to eat it. Maybe it's because Koen made it or maybe .... what? I can't find another reason why I don't want them to eat it.

After finishing the dinner with a bitter taste, I head to bed early after a long shower. Entering the my room I see a note stuck on the outside of my window. I gently slide the window screen up and reach for the posted note.

My phone number - XXX XXX XXXX
I'll be waiting for your contact.

I scoff at the note then fling the it into my bag. Morning breakfasts and Dinner can now be helped through Google. Then I slip into bed after I lock my door and window.

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