Chapter 30

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Koen's POV

I followed her. And I don't think I will never not follow her. She had captured my curiosity to the point of addiction. No cure could help me now but if there were one, I wouldn't take it.

While I followed, I kept a great distance from her sight and hearing, remembering back to when she heard the sound of a boat coming towards the cave.

Standing above the staircase, I watch her turn the corner from below but suddenly my phone starts to buzz making me take my eyes off her.

I read the message from mother:
I figured you'll be back late tonight. Working hard? Dinner is in the fridge for you, my baby.
Love you.

I quickly respond then shut my phone off. Then a shout from a man echoes down from the hallway, and I rush down the stairs, stopping behind the wall. Peaking, I see in a distance.

"You wicked bitch! Die!" The man from the side shouts once he stumbles back to his feet. Amelia steps off a guard whose arm is completely out of place by his side. She says something faintly to the man and strides towards him.

He reaches for a knife and holds it at her but her body unmoved with any reaction. The man rapidly starts to swing his knife at every angle of her head but misses dramatically as she dodges him effortlessly.

He takes bigger steps into her space, still trying to cut her. He starts to growl, "Who are you? What's your purpose?" He then corners her to the wall.

Shit! I need to help her!

Pushing off the corner of the wall, I prepare for a full sprint but Amelia had secured his hand into her jacket, she had slipped off a second ago and smashed her head into him. He groans, stumbling back. She trips him forward and lifts his right leg, then whispering something short. The man turns rigid and panics from what she had said, begging and crying in fear but it doesn't stop her from twisting his ankle and kneecap. The sound of bones cracking and popping runs through the wall along with his wailing.

My feet glued to the ground witnessing what I had never expected to see when following her down the bar. Hot sweat fall from my temple and my breath held so tight within my lungs, it starts to hurt. I'm not new to seeing or hearing violence but watching her perform such action with no sign of mercy was.... overwhelming and sickly hot.

The heels of her boot bounces around the walls as she strides to the end where she stops in front of a large wooden door. She pulls out a card within her jacket's pockets and swipes at the scanner on the wall. The beeps, flashing green.

Before she could push the door open, a large unhealthy man angrily pulls the door open. He's completely shirtless with his unbuckled pants nearly sliding down his feet, a complete pig in human disguise. A wide crooked smile forms on his face the moment his eyes lands on the sight of Amelia and her body.

Without realizing, my feet had started to walk towards them but I stop myself a few metres behind her.

"Gabriel West Tumbler. May I come in?" Her voice rasp in a loathing tone when he says his name but the old geez doesn't seem to notice her appearance or mine.

"My, aren't you a sexy beast. Come, come join us." He quickly retrieve into his room, making way for her to enter.

"Following me like a rat again?" She suddenly says holding the side of the door, barely glancing my way, "Come, the show is about to start." She utters in a dead humorous drag, leaving a crack of the door open for me.

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