Chapter 29

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Serena's POV

Sparks of light and flares spins within the stories of floor while the music blasts from every corner possible. There were people partying everywhere, from the dance floor, the seats around the bar and groups of people by the sides of every lounge.

Standing in front of the entrance, people around me started to point fingers and whisper amongst each other about my helmet. I ignore their looks, pushing through to the stairs.

"SIT, lead me to the office." I say while dodging the ridiculous amount of men who thinks passing is an opportunity to lay their hands on anybody.

"West Tumbler's office is hidden under the floor you are currently on. His "office" upstairs is a decoy. By the end of the bar, to the right corner, a single staircase leads down his office." SIT directs me faintly as the music blasts over me.

Rushing back down the stairs, I head straight down towards the bar where I could already spot the guards infront of the entrance but I was stopped.

"You got what you wanted. I'm busy." I don't bother to face him and spring my hand free, continuing my path towards the bar. The storm within me has yet calmed.


Koen's POV

Struggling to reach her distance through the crowd, people were everywhere in this club, dancing and pushing. The lights are projected so low it's hard to see beyond a few metres and the music so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. It's my ever first time entering a night club besides working as a bartender at the hotel and I never exactly had plans to go to one either.

I take every opportunity to slip through any gaps between people as I could but it was hard avoiding the harassments of older women who thinks grinding and groping a strange man in public is fine. After a few more side steps, I have reached the bar. Instantly, I spot her helmet but it was sitting on the table of the bar.

Jumping into a light sprint over the end of the bar, I see her standing at a heavily guarded entrance where four men stood towering over her. Her stance shows no fear or backing out whatsoever and that gives a little kick of unsettling nerves to my stomach. Though I know there is a great possibility of my victory against four men in a fist fight alone but I'm sure not fucking confident If protecting Amelia alone is possible.

Suddenly multiple terror of screams break out from our far left, where the small lounges are set. People from the area rumbles the floor, running from the scene. Two guards immediately launches themselves towards the situation, pushing against the outburst of people that runs opposite.

Glimpsing back towards Amelia, she still stood her ground facing now two bodyguards. But not within a minute, another burst of screams corrupt the far right side of us. And again, a wave of crowd pushes themselves away from the questionable scene. Before I take my eyes off the situation, a guard passes by my side rushing to the right corner of the club.

Shit! It's dangerous, we need to lea....


Serena's POV

When my second trap was a success, I quickly smashed the single guard's head into the wall while he was distressed in the problem, making him slump unconscious to the ground. Then I snatched his tagged Id card off his neck before stepping over his body, walking in.

Before I stood in front of this entrance, I had pulled a few strings to get rid of the amount of guards in the area. I took a short visit to each side, where large groups of gangs were and suddenly claimed to be a member of the group and declared war.

As for my helmet, I had paid the bartender with the bag of cash to look after it until I got out.

The entire layout of the bar is held crystal clear within my understanding, and his office is not far from my reach now. And I still feel the burning sensation on the top of my fingertips, the urge to slowly kill him tickles the back of my hair. His worthless being dare to bring tears to my people.

Taking big skips down the steep staircase, I hasten my way across the hallway then turned right where two men had already charged at me angrily.
Though I did not bring any weapons along, it is never a struggle for me to fight bare hands. And I am positively sure Tumbler's men are not allowed access to guns for one main reason; trust issue from past betrayal.

Keeping my pace as I walk down the hallway, one man initiates to tackle my middle into a grip for his partner behind to throw punches at me. When the man lowers his body come in close radius in front of me, I quickly clasp my hands behind his head and drove my knee into his face.

This doesn't stop his partner from throwing angry, sloppy fists my way. Throwing aside the first guard to the ground, I slowly approach the other whose arms are both tucked closely to his face. He takes slow side steps, trying to find an opening to attack me first but as soon as he glimpse at his partner on the floor, my fist flies straight through the gaps of his arms, straight to his nose, where I knew would cause him to shut his eyes in a reaction. I then pull his right arm behind his back and kicked his knees to the ground, still gripping his arm.

"You tried to punch a woman." I say as I pinned his body down with my foot on his nape. "Try again." I mock, twisting his arm further back and he grunts from the burn but he doesn't surrenders a scream to satisfy my fun.

"You wicked bitch! Die!" Angered curse from the man who I had nearly forgotten charges at me once again.

I break the arm of the man under me and his scream echoes through the hallway, causing the man to stop in his action. "Your leg is next." I drop his arm and stepped off, walking to the traumatised guard.

"Don't piss yourself. I'm in no mood to spare anyone who works under Gabriel." I state aloud nearly chuckling to myself.

He snarls, baring his golden teeth at me as he pulls a knife from his back pocket, pointing it at my head. He lets out a frustrating shout, swinging his knife anywhere near my face but I keep calm taking side steps, dodging. While the fun little dance we take, I slip out of my leather jacket and hold one arm of it tightly.

"Tell me,-" he huffs, trying to reach my distance, "-who are you? What's your purpose?" He growls in every sentence.

Distraction is your biggest enemy. I lure him to corner myself near the wall, he takes a big swing, indicating to stab my middle but as it nearly reaches, I wrap my jacket, completely covering his knife and hand inside. Then I pull him in close to my side, and smashing his face with my forehead.

He stumbles greatly backward and I knock him off his feet with a kick. His face hits the ground once more, letting go off his knife. I quickly hover over his back leg, lifting a foot up, "ever heard of 'The Empress'?" I ask in a low whisper.

Immediately he panics and try to scramble away from my grip, he whimps in fear pleading for mercy but too late, I break his ankle and kneecap like I had claimed to do earlier. Not long after a short cry he passes out over hyperventilating.

"Hmm, seems like you heard about 'her'" I shrug at his silent response, a little bored with the dance and stepped off, going to grab my jacket but the knife drops out of the bundle with a loud clank.

Taking it into my hand, I take a closer look. And my, is it a pretty knife. "You don't mind if I keep this? No?" I ask, forgetting that they are unconscious. Silly me.

And it will look prettier with that bastard's blood covering it.

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