Chapter 32

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Koen's POV

I hover above Amelia, watching her play perfect character while Chantel and Kyle retrieves their laptops out onto the table. They quickly click away as everyone gather closer to watch their screen.

Specks of memories of that night flickers through my head, recalling hearing upon the guards say of 'the empress' and Amelia asking the man if he ever heard of the empress. I knew Amelia was a mysterious person since the beginning but now she has become an even further person to understand.

"Fuck off! I don't want to know about empresses in histories! What do you have Kyle?" Chantel angrily curse at the laptop but continues to reopen new tabs.

"I'm getting the same results. Damn it!" Kyle slams his fist on the table, frustratedly combing back his hair.

It's obvious that everyone is heavily invested into the matter but Amelia who only sat in silence watched. They must look like circus monkeys to her, we all must look like low level objects in her eyes. And to my belief, I would confidently say she is 'The empress'.

"Omg here, here!" Chantel nearly jumps from her seat, "On this website, it's from... well, apparently a survivor who were present during 'the empress's' strike." Her words fall when reading through the site.
"Luke's statement: Two years ago, I was training as a butler for Ross Hilton, an arising business man in London. That night, Mr. Hilton had brought a new woman home late as usual and I was up reading, way past everyone's bed time. Then faintly from the servant's room, sounds of glass and objects were thrown on walls. Then horrified screams of a woman. That had woken everyone up by then, but everyone ran, escaping the house. Stupidly, I went to inspect for myself. It was my biggest regret! I can still hear the terror in my master's voice when he cried and cursed 'the empress'. I slammed the door open, thinking I could somewhat save them. God, god I was wrong. The empress stood over my master's bloody body with a white doll like mask on, the body of the woman splayed red on the bed, her eyes red and wide open staring at the door. I charge at the assassin, grabbing the large vase. She shot me. Six times, my shoulders, knees, and chest. Afterwards, I was told that my master is dead with numerous evidences of torture, the house was now burnt to ashes, I was saved by a guard near by...."
Chantel finishes.

"I got one too!" Kylie holds an arm up,
"Beware of the express! She's a monster! A deadly weapon! A true killer! She slaughtered all my working brothers like pigs. We were a loanshark gang in the city of Germany. A hundred men in business every night. I was alerted that a small bomb erupted our front door. Thirty men down in an instant when she entered wearing a white mask, completely empty handed. My brothers had all gathered within the hallways of our boss's office. Weapons pulled out, only a hand full of us were trusted with guns, the rest with knives, axes and iron bats. She charged at us, using our own weapons as hers, using my brothers as shields. Every move she made was insane! How can any human move like her? A demon is what she is. Her murderous bloodlust was suffocating me even when I stood so far. Behind her steps were mountains of my brother's bloody bodies. She doesn't stop, her hands and clothes were drenched in our blood. I cowardly faked my death underneath the bodies of my brothers. And when she had cleared us all out of her path, my boss was next but I didn't waste a second to escape. I had to run on top of everyone's blood and bodies. Our building burnt into nothing."

Complete silence from everyone, pure terror in their eyes. I too, felt a kick down my stomach. And the weight of not only knowing who exactly it is but I had joined hands with them in a murder. Amelia is definitely in our school for a purpose but I'm sure as hell it is something different or else she wouldn't have wasted her time playing amongst us.

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