Chapter 7

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Koen's POV

My eyes prides towards the class's door throughout the morning, waiting impatiently.
I have been on a damn roller coaster over the past two days thinking whether or not she was abducted that night or she had went home safely.

Purposely arriving to school early today, I sat in class watching every single student enter and take their seat. Checking my phone's time.
8:28 A.M.
Only two more minutes left until the bell.
But what if she was abducted... what the hell can I possibly do?
It's not like I have power or the money to go save a random rich daughter of a businessman because somewhat I feel guilty.
8:29 A.M.
I should trust that old fucker's words... she left before the scene.
Another girl walks in and another but not her.
8:30, the bell has rang.

Oh my fucking god!

Dropping my head to the desk, my forehead rest on the cold surface as my eyes close trying to think fucking positive. Maybe she's sick today.

"Morning class, just a reminder for you to pay for your camping trips before this week Friday." Mr. Rhones silence the class with the reminder of our senior chemistry camp.

Why waste your money on a school's camp when you can go alone to better sites. I dont plan to go-

"-Am I still allowed to attend the trip though I'm not a student from here?"
Her voice. I instantly recognized.

My head shoots up seeing her sit between Dylan's girlfriend's friend group in the right corner of the classroom and even though she is hidden within the group, I could always spot her first, easily.

"I'm sure you can still go... it's only 4 nights and 5 days. And the date is within your stay here, but I'll double check with the principle."

I'm going to the camp. Period.

Then he started the lesson: Chemistry.


Serena's POV

I swear to fuck, if he keeps staring at me I'm going to plunge his eyes out with this pen I am currently holding. My patient is hanging on by a thin thread while fire is burning below.

Ignoring Koen's presence is like having a conversation with a wall.
It's impossible... so I start to layer a mind map on my tablet to distract myself. My thoughts replays the meeting I had with Aaron and April yesterday.

Aaron had just informed April and I that there was a senior camp coming up in 2 weeks and that we should definitely attend. Our meeting yesterday had given us the time to share the results of our research.

Aaron had figured that there is a sum of 6 teachers involved with Peter Ledger and April had dug into Ledger's old reports of St. Hunter Academy, our true school.

I had shared that Chloe is still secretly in contact with her father through different unknown numbers of coin-operated public telephones. She however is still kept in the dark of where exactly her father's location is.

The school bell echoes stopping my recap of yesterday. Next period is P.E.
Here at North Coast-Field High school, I've learnt that P.E and sports are mandatory whether students select it or not. It appears on the timetable 4-5 times a week.

"Honestly, we should call in sick for the lesson. Why fucking volleyball today." Britney sighs heavily before entering the change room.

"But I like how sexy the shorts make my ass look!" Kathy drops her bag and pulls out her tight navy blue shorts.

Chloe giggles in agreement and takes the first changing stall. I follow taking the one next to hers then hearing more doors shut down the line.

P.E sports and activities were never a struggle for me as I was trained to endurance almost anything at a young age. Thanks to mother's care but it's how the uniform exposes my scars and inked skin.

"Seriously, Amelia? Long sleeve compression shirt and biker's shorts. Like what's the difference of showing body skin and body but covered in tight thin layer? " Chloe scoffs scanning me from head to toes.

I simply smile and shrugged my shoulders remaining into character.


Koen's POV

Though I am currently playing volleyball on the opposite side of the hall, my eyes had yet lost her presence.
My mind has been erupting with fucking debates whether to question her or stay silent like our last encounter outside the arena's parking lot.

But say what to her, stupid shit?

Amelia suddenly leaves the hall's exist, leaving without a word to her friends or the teacher. Her group of arrogant friends are true idiots to not notice her disappearance or how she sometimes rest her pathetic acts and turns to a complete different person.

Slamming the incoming ball one last time before I duck under the net following Amelia. If it weren't for our coincidences, I would of never noticed her strange behaviour in school.

Listening to soft taps of her trainer shoes on the wooden floor brings me to the right directions of where she is turning throughout the empty hallways. Following far behind, her shoes turns  left and then the sound of a classroom door shuts. Noticing the change of the hallway, I realized it's the art building.

My heart starts to pump faster as I grab the door handle sliding the door open for my entry. A dark classroom with dim lights of closed curtains. I step further into the classroom to inspect but the door suddenly slides shut behind me.

"Why hello there, pretty boy." Amelia's slowly purrs in a low tone dragging her words playfully.

How did she hide then appear behind me without a sound?

Her shoes taps the ground again revealing that she had never taken them off. Then how did it not make a fucken sound just then?

"I have questions." Taking the nearest seat from where I stood.

She crosses her arms under her chest and leans her back against the door like she's trapping me, "I don't have answers."

"Why did you leave P.E by yourself?" I await her answer but her eyes were just locked onto mine, blinking slowly. A bored expression that she usually returns to when no one within her radar is paying her attention.

I continue to push my questions, "Why were you at the hotel last Saturday night?"    I pause,    "Did you know that 'Rebecca' woman was going to be murdered?"    Another pause
"Were you there when she was murdered?"

Fuck, that last question seems like I am accusing her for it but her expression remains calm and collected throughout.

Strange... should've she be surprised or horrified by the news of murder?

My questions had only remained questions for myself ... while I think my brains off for another question she proceeds to leave.

Racing out the seat caused the chair to tumble loudly, I reach for her arm pulling her back in and shutting the damn door closed again.
Holding her arm close to my side while my other hand palms the surface of the door. She's trapped between me now. Only a few inches separated our bodies apart but her flames burns me.

"You're color blind."

The Villainess Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora