Chapter 41: What If?

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Tanya's eyes were locked on me as I took a long sip of my drink. I had just finished telling her the entire story between me and Heather, and she wasn't even blinking. The news about the mission to the other side had stirred me up like a cyclone and for the first time in five years, I felt the need to spill my guts about everything that happened back when I was a Narval Officer. Tanya nearly sent a margarita flying over the counter, when she knew I was going to spill the beans about 'that wavy brunette gal' as she called Heather.

I wasn't sure how the story would come out; I had never put the words out loud to anyone before. Would I break into tears or have a panic attack? To my surprise, none of that happened. Instead, I spoke at lightning speed, as if the words had been impatiently waiting between my teeth and came out almost without allowing me to breathe.

At first, Tanya couldn't stop smiling and making comments here and there. But as the story unfolded and we reached the part about the attack, the bombs, and Michael shooting Heather, she fell silent. But, I mean, who wouldn't? It's not like it was a fairytale precisely.

"And now, in three days... I'll see her again... After five years of radio silence. And to be honest, I have no idea how I'll cope with it. I might die of a heart block on the meeting table." I said.

Tanya stared at me, processing all the information and playing with a coin, passing it through her fingers. It seemed she had a thousand things to say, but somehow she couldn't decide where to start.

I took another sip of my glass and realized it was empty.

"Another, please." I said pushing the glass to her. 

"Oh no, no girl. You've had enough for tonight," she said firmly, shaking her head. "You need to keep a clear head, especially with everything coming up." Tanya said as she took my glass from the counter.

"Ok, MUM!" I said, annoyed.

"I ain't no mum. Just a good friend." She corrected me.

"A good friend would let me drink." I insisted.

"You want to end up like him?" She said, turning the head to a techno-human who was almost asleep at the counter, clutching his glass as if it were the elixir of life.

"You mean forget about every tinny bit of this messed up world and sleep like a baby in my best friend's bar? Sounds like a plan to me." I said.

Tanya rolled her eyes. "Come on. You are stronger than that. You don't need to drown it all out with alcohol."

"Strong?" I raised an eyebrow. "You've seen my attacks, I'm broken." I said.

Tanya shook her head. "You got your heart broken which is a different thing."

I sighed wearily. "Whatever... The mission will be a total disaster anyway. There's no way I can work with Heather again." 

I gazed at the techno-human and caught sight of a bowl with atomic peanuts next to him. "Can I have some of those at least?" I asked.

Tanya grinned and grabbed a bowl from under the counter. "Atomic peanuts coming right up!" 

She reached into a nearby cabinet, pulled out a big container, and loaded the bowl with a bunch of green and shiny peanuts. I scooped up a handful and popped them into my mouth. No idea how, but those fiery little snacks had become my absolute favorite. Extra spicy and extra crunchy.

Tanya watched me with admiration. "The first time you tried those, I almost ran out of water. You needed an ocean to digest them!" she said, smiling at the memory. "And now look at you, all grown up, eating them like popcorn," she added.

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