Chapter 9: Distant clouds

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Isolating the cables took me more time than expected. Cutting the protective suit wasn't easy, and every time I came near the fire, my lungs were invaded by the smoke, making me feel weaker each time. I surrounded the source of the fire with several pieces of furniture and made sure all the other electrical devices were far away from that area. I touched the wires after several minutes of being isolated, and they seemed less warm. My plan seemed to be working. Time for me to leave. I looked outside and I happily realized the storm had almost ended. Still, there were some drops falling here and there, and the sky was not clear yet, but I could not wait any more, it was now or never.

I clutched the ladder, took a deep breath, and started descending. Now the void below was more visible, and consequently far scarier; however, going down felt easier. Knowing that Heather was safe made me feel really calm and happy.

Once I got down, I was utterly exhausted. The effort I had made and the smoke I had inhaled had consumed all my energy. I definitely could not run, so I decided to walk to the Narval House. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting, almost like a bee's bite, followed by a searing sensation on my shoulder. My gaze immediately fell to the affected area. It was a drop from the storm; I hastily wiped it away. Acid rain was not only dangerous because of the pain it could produce on human skin, but also because its chemicals could make you ill.

I kept walking and again, another sting and the searing sensation, now on my head. I looked to the sky a bit concerned. The storm had subsided, but there was still a dark cloud that was moving quite fast with the wind. I tried to rush, but my need for air grew insatiable. I couldn't keep that velocity. Another drop hit my ear, and another my hand. Each minute the cloud was closer to me. I needed to find a refuge soon. I looked around searching for possible options. The area was extremely desolate, except for a weak tree that was about five hundred meters from me. It was my only option, so I focused all my strength and remaining energy to reach it. The rain multiplied in a matter of seconds, and before I could get to the tree, I was already feeling my body drilled with thousands of needles. With a last rush of adrenaline, I ran until I saw the tree in front of me. A coughing attack started right when I was just a couple of meters away from my refuge. My legs were crumbling, and I fell. I felt my exhaustion leading me to sleep since my legs were not responding anymore; however, I managed to crawl until I was under the branches. I looked at the wild landscape and remembered the first time we experienced acid rain. It was years ago when the world was mired in a severe drought, and it took everyone by surprise. Everyone was extremely happy when they saw the clouds forming in the sky. Hundreds of people reunited outside, ready to welcome the rain they had been craving so much for. And right after it started, the screaming proceeded. Many people died. The Reg society took this incident as another argument to support their lifestyle, using it as both a propaganda tool and a means to instill fear and recruit new members.

Suddenly, a deafening crack tore through the air, and a massive branch plummeted close to me. Shit. The tree was dead, and the acid rain was finishing with it. More branches rained down, and I frantically crawled to evade them. Time was running out. I had to leave soon, but at this point, there was no safe option. My legs were not responding, and even if they did, running under acid rain was a suicidal mission. Yet, staying would mean taking the risk of being hit by a branch. A huge cracking sound emerged from the trunk, and a big gash grew from the bottom of the tree to the top. It was over. The tree split in two and started falling to both sides. I closed my eyes, ready to bid farewell to this cruel world. When suddenly something grabbed me and pulled me far from the tree. "Grace, stay awake!" Someone covered me in a blanket and carried me. I recognized that voice; it was Kate's. "Grace! Thank God! Don't you dare fall asleep, alright?!" I finally opened my eyes and saw her. She was wearing a protective suit and had wrapped me in the same kind of material. A couple of meters away there was Emma parked, the airship. "Come on, tell me something Grace," She said while taking the last steps to the airship. "I'm sorry" I mumbled weakly. "As you should be." She responded with a mix of sadness and anger. "But don't fall asleep, okay? I need you in top shape to kick your ass in next week's combat exam." she continued. I softly smiled. Kate placed me in the copilot's seat, and as she boarded the airship, we ascended into the sky.

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