Chapter 36: Wavy Waters

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Five years later.

Right. Left. Center. Right. Left. Center. Right. Left. Center. My eyes panned in a perfect and efficient choreography. I focused on any little change, noise, or odd movement out of my understanding. But everyone seemed calm today. Eyes fixed on Brooke, who was ending her speech. However, I wouldn't underestimate the festivity. It was Foundation Day and as every year, Brooke gave that pretentious motivational speech in front of thousands of people. It was a sensitive day. The day the wall was raised. The day the world was brought to what we had today. I had to stay focused. No room for more attacks, especially with Brooke being such a tempting target for the rebels.

"... today is a day for gratefulness. A day that reminds us how lucky we are to be where we are. How important it is to embrace the technology that has been given to us, so we can be better and stronger..." Brooke was nailing the speed, just like she always did.

I stole a glance at her. From where I was, to her left, about a meter behind, I couldn't see her techno-human side. But I could make out her outfit – a white and silver dress, with pointed shoulder pads that resembled small wings. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a braided bun, giving her a tough and elegant look, and her lips were painted silver, matching her outfit perfectly. It was crazy to think she was in her fifties; she looked incredibly young. She caught me looking and shot me a smirk. Back to business, Grace.

"...To the new arrivals, welcome to the Reg Society. I encourage you not to be afraid and undergo improvement procedures, so you can experience the joy and welfare technology can provide you..."

"Liar!" A voice cut through the crowd.

My gaze snapped towards the source, ready to act if needed. Brooke paused momentarily, then continued. "The future is ours. But only technology is reliable..."

"Bullshit!" The voice erupted again.

Whispers spread through the crowd searching for the source of the disruption. Brooke paused again but then pressed on. "The techno-humans are the new face of humanity and today we also celebrate that."

"From ashes, we soar!" The voice yelled.

That was the Phoenix Group slogan, their war cry. Suddenly, a little red light flickered in the distance, catching my attention and I immediately knew what was going to happen. Without a second thought, I shoved Brooke as hard as I could, and we both crashed to the floor just in time. A shot pierced the air right where Brooke had been standing seconds before. So close. Screams filled the square and panic settled in. It was chaos. The security system reacted immediately, and drones hovered over us, searching for the shooter. People ran everywhere, possessed by the frenzy. Brooke's colleagues, Gabriel and Normand, came to help us.

"Take her out of here!" I ordered them. They nodded and shielded Brooke while I dashed through the crowd. I knew where the shot had come from, but I had to be faster to catch them before they escaped. I pressed the sensor under my left ear, and a shot of adrenaline raced through my veins. There we go. In a few seconds, I could sprint like lightning. I reached the under-construction building and got to the third floor. I had seen the light coming from that window. But the flat was empty. Only a few piles of bricks and some abandoned cement from the laborers. Was I too late? I approached the window from where I had seen the light. There were fresh marks on the edge. Someone had definitely been propping a weapon there for a while, waiting for the perfect moment.

Suddenly, someone hit me from behind, and I stumbled to the floor. Fuck. My vision blurred. Stupid Grace, always check behind the door! I thought to myself. I turned around to face my attacker, and as I did, a laser gun was aimed at my head.

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