Chapter 8: Red Eyes

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Vivid, violent, and fierce flames surged from the electric tower, casting a glow that pierced the darkness as if it were a beacon from hell. I rushed to the hallway, where I found a crowd of people discussing frantically about what to do. Pushing through the crowd, I reached the entrance and spotted one of the acid rain suits. Without hesitation, I put it on.

"Grace, what the hell are you doing?" Kate rushed to me as she noticed my actions.

"I'm heading to the tower," I replied without looking at her.

"You are not going anywhere alone. We need to decide how to proceed together," she urged.

"There's no time to waste! Heather is up there!" I shouted back. Kate knew I was right, but the danger outside was huge. Going after Heather didn't guarantee a safe return.

"Grace, think about it. What will you do when you get there?" Kate tried to reason with me.

"And what will you do by staying here?" I shot back, continuing to put on the suit. "Look, if we don't reach her soon, the wire insulation could melt. If Heather is okay, we have to help her get out of there before it's too late," I said firmly. Kate was hesitating. The terrifying noise of the storm made evident we needed to act.

"Give me the suit, it's an order," she said seriously, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"No," I responded resolutely.

"Don't make me force you," she warned, her tone tinged with threat.

Another thunderclap tore through the sky. "Damn it!" Kate exclaimed, her frustration palpable.

"Kate! Come here!" A voice from the crowd called out for her attention. Kate seized me by the arm, pulling me away from the entrance. "The tunnel might flood, we have to do something," said one of the Narval officers urgently. "Monica and Rachel will be back from the gates soon," another added. "You sit here and don't move," Kate ordered me, forcefully seating me in a nearby chair.

"Listen up, everyone, we need to be calm..." Kate began addressing the group, diverting their focus away from the entrance. Perfect, that's my cue, I thought. I bolted for the entrance.

"Grace, don't!" I heard Kate's voice trail after me. I didn't look back; I swung the door open and stepped out into the wild storm.

Once I got outside, I immediately felt the acid rain hitting my suit as if they were thousands of needles. The floor was treacherous, and the wind pushed me with brutal force. The cacophony of noise was deafening, almost hurting my ears. I took a deep breath and started running toward the towering inferno ahead.

Lightning was striking everywhere, and I knew that running was not the wisest choice, as it could attract the bolts. But I felt not even a hint of fear. One singular thought consumed my mind: Saving her.

Getting closer, I could make out the flames licking the top of the tower, predominantly on its right side. It seemed likely that a bolt of lightning had struck some electrical equipment, causing a surge that ignited the fire, and its intensity was concentrated in that specific area.

Once I arrived, I quickly scanned around, just in case Heather had managed to descend on her own. "Heather?" I shouted repeatedly, my voice struggling against the storm's cacophony. No response echoed back.

The quickest way up the tower was through the indoor stairs. However, this path had become impossible due to the thick smoke descending from the top, enveloping everything in a shroud of dark fog. There was an alternative, a vertical ladder on the outer side meant for emergencies. Yet, with the howling wind, the idea of climbing it felt akin to embarking on a suicidal mission.

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