Chapter 24: The alarm

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I froze for a second, but luckily it was too dark, and Heather was too sleepy to see my scared face, which, of course, would have given me away immediately.

"I had forgotten that tonight I offered myself to surveil the tunnels. I have to go," I said while reaching her in bed. Each word sent a pang of pain to my chest. I didn't like lying, especially to her. As we had grown closer over the days and weeks, a heavy burden settled next to my heart. It was like a permanent reminder that something wasn't right. Each day, that feeling seemed more difficult to handle and I had no idea what to do with that.

"I'm sorry I've woken you up; go back to sleep," I said while covering her with an extra blanket and kissing her softly on her head. Heather closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately. That was close. I had to be more careful.

I got out of the room and with the repeater Erik had given me in hand, I headed to the electric tower.

At night, the border seemed like a completely different place, as if a massive wormhole had swallowed the entire space. The only visible shadows were those cast by the moon, giving it a monstrous appearance.

The path to the electric tower wasn't long; I could easily get there in about fifteen minutes. However, due to the darkness and potential surveillance, I had to be extremely cautious. The darker areas weren't random; there seemed to be a deliberate strategy, all designed to disorient intruders and increase the likelihood of getting caught. But I knew exactly where to go, and I reached the electric tower easily. Now I just had to get to the top and place the repeater. I looked around and spotted a guard at the entrance. So, I circled the tower and found the external ladder that I had climbed back on the day I saved Heather. Very carefully, I started to ascend, knowing this time I had to reach the roof. The ladder was old and rusty. The acid rain had certainly weakened it. 

The wind grew stronger as I ascended, causing the ladder to sway and so did my nerves. Closing in on the window of the tower's top floor a glowing light emanated from within. Someone was probably surveilling. I took a deep breath and moved extremely slowly. As I neared the window, I heard voices. Not just one person, but at least two. I discreetly glanced inside and saw Kate and Lea.

"You're overreacting; it's probably just a coincidence," reassured Kate to Lea.

"If you say so. But I feel we should be more vigilant. The recent incidents at the border seem connected. I sense something brewing," expressed Lea, her concern palpable.

"You're referring to what happened to Heather? That poor man was desperate. I don't think it signifies anything," countered Kate.

"Well, perhaps. But Heather's been struggling lately... for reasons you're aware of. I'm not sure if she can continue leading the border effectively," Lea suggested. 

"Because of Grace?" Kate inquired raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes. We need a focused leader here, not a teenager," affirmed Lea.

"I'll check on Heather. But if I have to be honest, I had never seen her so happy before. I'd rather want a happy leader than an angry and frustrated one," said Kate.

I was shocked to see that the relationship I had with Heather had caused so many concerns, but I agreed with Kate that Heather was much happier now, and ultimately, that was what mattered.

Suddenly, my right foot slipped, and the ladder made a sharp noise, prompting Lea's attention.

"What was that?" Lea asked, turning towards the window.

"What was what?" Kate questioned, perplexed.

I held my breath, frozen in place, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I tried to steady myself on the ladder.

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