Chapter 4: Awakening

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The training process was divided into three parts: theoretical knowledge of the transfer processes, physical conditioning for combat, and engineering lessons to be able to repair any tools that needed it. Our grueling schedule ran from 6 am until 11 pm. It was undoubtedly challenging, but I have to admit that staying occupied helped clear my mind. For the first time in my life, I felt useful, strong, and appreciated. Besides, I excelled in combat training, and soon Kate began using me as an example for other newcomers, which made me feel even more empowered and valued.

The combat training mainly focused on defensive techniques, teaching us how to evade attacks and redirect the opponent's strength back at them. Speed was the key, and I became unbeatable in that aspect—well, almost unbeatable, except for Kate, who was undoubtedly the strongest Narval Officer in the house. Every day, I tried my best to surpass her, but no matter how hard I trained, she always managed to outmaneuver me, leaving me with a collection of bruises that she later used to brag.

I got really focused on improving, so I decided to take up running each morning along the border to increase my speed and agility. I really enjoyed the silence and the quietness of that hour. The only person that was always there before me was Heather. In the beginning, I didn't realize it until one morning when I accidentally bumped into her while running, both of us lost in our thoughts. From that day on, we saw each other every morning. She was always there before me, patrolling along the border with a vigilant look in her green eyes. It was as if she never slept; that place seemed sacred to her. We never talked, despite the desire I had to do it. I only dared to meet our gaze for a second, and that was it. She used to wrap up her wild hair in a neat and beautiful braid. Her flawless features looked even prettier in the early morning light. I started to love those short encounters and I sensed that she felt the same.

After the first month of training, Kate announced a surprise. "Hey little karate kids, come here please, pay attention to my sensual voice," she teased, causing everyone to laugh and stop the training. "You've been working your asses quite a lot, so this weekend I'd like to propose a different plan rather than staying in bed all day. Are you ready to hear it?" She said animatedly.

"We're going to the city!" Everyone erupted in applause and celebration. The excitement was contagious, even though I hadn't been to the city yet. However, I had heard so much about it. Kate organized these trips from time to time to alleviate stress, and people always came back raving about how much fun they had. As someone who hadn't experienced much fun in a long time, I was definitely looking forward to it.

The day before the trip, I had dinner with Laura and Mark. We had grown quite close during our time together, both had joined the Narval house one month before me, and we shared the same room.

"Are you ready for the big apple, Grace?" Mark asked me with a playful grin.

"Ready? I was born ready!" I replied, matching his playful tone. "But honestly, I've never been to the city before. You guys are going to have to show me the ropes."

Laura chimed in, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, get ready for an adventure! You'll be navigating that jungle like a pro in no time! But remember, be careful with the Techno-Humans," she said, exaggerating for dramatic effect. "Don't look them in the eyes; they can read your mind!"

I rolled my eyes and I threw an olive from my plate at her. To my surprise, it bounced off her plate and ended up landing on Mark's face. "Hey!" He complained, wiping the olive off his face. The three of us started laughing; it was nice to have friends again. Kate saw us from the other side of the dining hall and blinked at me once I crossed my gaze with her.

That night, I couldn't sleep, but it wasn't due to nerves or excitement. Overwhelming guilt gnawed at me. What in God's name was I doing? Enjoying my training, making friends, having fun in the city? Being happy felt like a betrayal when my brother was still missing. I felt like the worst sister ever. How could I be enjoying my life without knowing if he was okay or not? The weight of my emotions grew heavier with each passing moment, and I knew I had to clear my head. I decided to go for a walk to sort out my thoughts.

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