Chapter 22: Zero Gravity

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Half an hour had drifted away when I saw Heather coming out of the house. Her face bore that familiar, unyielding expression I knew so well from her days at the border.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"Nothing," she replied curtly, a hint of disdain in her voice.

"What do you mean?" I pressed.

"They know nothing. I was found at the sanctuary's entrance, and that was it—no records, no further questions," she explained.

"I'm sorry," I said, reaching out to take her hand kindly, but she pulled away.

"I knew this was a terrible idea." She said, muttering.

"We had to start somewhere; don't be disheartened so soon," I reassured her.

"I don't know if I want to continue," She said frustrated.

Her face appeared rigid, and her eyes seemed darker. She was starting to retreat into her own shell, a familiar response for Heather when the weight of the world bore down on her. I understood her instinct to protect herself, but I didn't want her to shut me out. I knew that revisiting her past was a challenging journey, yet I believed it could also be incredibly healing. Moreover, deep down, I sensed her eagerness to learn more about herself. Who wouldn't be?

"Hey, we can take this at your own pace; there's no rush. We can go one step at a time," I suggested. She fell into silence, appearing to mull over my words.

"Alright, but I've had enough for today," she declared, her determination evident.

"Not a problem. Let's switch gears and have some fun now," I said excitedly while she looked at me with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"What's the plan?" she inquired.

"It's a surprise; you'll have to trust me to lead the way!" I replied with a mischievous grin.

I had heard a lot about a trending activity in the city called the zero-gravity circuit. This immersive experience allowed people to navigate through an obstacle circuit in simulated zero gravity. Given Heather's passion for all things space-related, I was confident that this would be a hit for us.

When we arrived and she read the entrance board, her eyes brimmed with excitement.

"I've been wanting to go here so badly for the past year!" she exclaimed.

"Really? So the time has come!" I replied, satisfied.

As we stepped inside, the entrance was lit up with a mesmerizing array of fluorescent lights. We asked for a private circuit so Heather and I could have the entire experience to ourselves. Then, they provided us with the suits and all the necessary information. I couldn't help but admire Heather as she slipped into the white astronaut suit. She looked absolutely stunning.

"You would make a very sexy astronaut, you know that?" I quipped, a playful smile on my face.

"Well, I've always dreamed of exploring the cosmos, so I'm glad I can rock this astronaut look. You're not looking bad either," She said with a flirtatious smile.

"Okay, ladies, are you ready?" a worker asked, popping her head out from the framed door.

When we entered the circuit and the worker left closing the door behind us, the atmosphere transformed into a futuristic dreamscape. The floor beneath us seemed to disappear, replaced by an array of neon-colored lights that created an otherworldly, ethereal glow. The walls were adorned with captivating, space-themed artwork, giving the impression of being inside a spaceship hurtling through the cosmos.

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