Chapter 16: Night Of Stars

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"Oh, that? We were just having a chat," I replied, trying to downplay the situation.

Laura raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "If you say so. But I bet you like her, I've seen how you look at her," Laura continued.

"What? I mean, well, she is indeed pretty... but nah, I don't want more troubles." Her interrogation had caught me off guard, and without thinking twice, I found myself lying to her. I wasn't entirely sure if it was necessary, but the words slipped out.

"Well," I began, "I think we should get going; it's getting late. What about Mark?"

Laura shrugged. "No idea. He'll probably make his way back sooner or later."

The night enveloped me, causing me to drift into a deep sleep. The day's events had left me utterly drained. Oddly enough, I woke up early; my internal clock seemed to be playing tricks on my mind.

Finally, the day had arrived – the day everyone had been waiting for. Today, Kate would be revealing who had passed the test and could become an official Narval Officer. A ceremony was scheduled, followed by a huge party in the evening. So, before embarking on a day that would likely be a whirlwind of emotions, I decided to go for a run to clear my mind and prepare for the potentially disappointing results I would receive.

While I was running, I couldn't help but replay the events of the examination in my head, with many questions swirling through my mind. Was I okay with working for a place that treated people this way? Could I truly become a loyal Narval Officer with my past haunting me? What would happen if I failed the test? Would they apply a reset on me? And then, there was Heather. Did she feel something real for me, or was I just a passing distraction? I pushed myself to run harder, hoping the physical exertion would help distract me from the anxiety.

Suddenly, I spotted someone up ahead. It couldn't be any other way. She was walking in the same direction, so I could just see her back, but I quickly recognized her; that braid was unmistakable: Heather.

I slowed down my pace to be able to walk beside her. She turned her head at me and smiled.

"Back to your running, I see. It's quite early, you know? Even for you," Heather said with a mischievous grin.

"I couldn't sleep; running helps me clear my head," I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"Oh, I thought you came early to see me; you just blew it," she smirked, and for a moment, some tension lifted as we continued our walk together.

"Will you be at the ceremony this evening?" I asked, curious.

"Why? Do you want me to be your dance partner?" She said with a grin.

"Well, that would be a pretty depressing dance, since I won't pass the test," I replied with irony and a playful smile.

"Depressing dance, then. Sounds promising. I'll be there," she replied.

"Great," I said as I increased my pace. "I'll make sure to excel at the depressing dance as well as I do with exams," I called back to Heather, who responded with laughter. With a smile on my face, I continued my run, feeling a newfound surge of energy after our chat.

As the ceremony drew near, I couldn't help but notice the changes among my colleagues. A few of them had swapped their usual clothes for something more formal, a clear sign that this event held great significance for them. We gathered on the training ground, where a stage had been set up, with a set of chairs carefully placed in front of it for us to occupy. The silver-striped flags, our emblem of the Narval Officers, fluttered in the corners of the field.

The leaders were seated on the stage, poised to congratulate the lucky ones who had passed the test. I scanned the row, and there she was, Heather, in the last chair.

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