Chapter 12: Underwater

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I was immediately struck by the serene beauty that surrounded that pool. The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of underwater lights casting a mesmerizing play of colors on the water's surface.

"Why didn't anyone tell me about this place?" I marveled at the sight.

"Because it's just for leads, but I left the door open because I trusted your detective instincts," she said with a grin as she swam in my direction.

"Just for leads? That's so unfair!"

"I knew you'd say that. But hey, you're here now, right?" she replied, resting her arms at the edge of the pool.

"Wanna join?"

"Absolutely! But... I don't have a swimsuit," I said, realizing my oversight.

"No problem," she said. "I brought an extra swimsuit that should fit you. Let me grab it for you."

She swiftly climbed out of the pool and with her wet hair clinging to her shoulders, she walked over to a nearby locker. It was the first time I had the opportunity to see her physique more clearly, and of course, it was athletic and flawless. She was wearing a dark blue swimsuit with two silver, shiny, stripes on the ribs zone that suited her perfectly. I felt a bit uncomfortable since I didn't want to appear overly fixated on her but my eyes seemed to move freely, so I lowered my gaze. She smiled warmly at me and pulled out a spare swimsuit from the locker and handed it to me.

"Here you go," she said, extending the swimsuit toward me.

"Thanks," I replied, taking the swimsuit and hurriedly changing into it behind one of the locker room doors.

When I returned to the poolside, Heather had already resumed her swim. I gingerly dipped my toes into the water, which was pleasantly warm. It had been ages since I'd been swimming, and the idea of a relaxing swim with Heather was quite appealing.

I entered the pool and began to swim beside her, but it was impossible to keep up with her pace; she was incredibly fast. It was evident that she was used to swimming regularly, no joke. It was almost hypnotic to watch her precise and powerful movements, gliding over the water with agility, almost as if she were a beautiful mermaid. After a few laps, we stopped at the edge of the pool to catch our breath.

"This place is truly amazing," I said, my body floating on my back as I gazed up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I come here every time I'm stressed, which is quite often, to be honest," she replied, mirroring my posture, and our fingers brushed for a moment as she extended her arms on the water. A tiny thrill reached my heart at her soft touch.

"Swimming makes me forget about everything. When I'm here, it's like the world above doesn't exist," she continued.

"You never seem stressed, though," I remarked, recalling her confident, composed demeanor at the border.

"Well, you learn to control it," she replied.

"And is the pool the only confidant of your real feelings, or do you trust anyone else?" I asked as I returned to the edge of the pool. Heather followed me, taking a moment to ponder before answering.

"Who needs real people when you have a huge pool?" she quipped, a playful smile on her face. "Alright, you've got a point," I said, maintaining the lighthearted tone. "But, well, if the pool ever feels like it's not enough, know that you can count on me."

Heather looked at me and the corners of her lips curved with a timid yet enigmatic smile. Then, she crossed her arms over the edge of the pool and laid her head softly on them, eyes closed. And at that moment, she drifted away. Far, in a place where even I didn't exist. I couldn't help but wonder what this place might look like and who might be there, waiting for her. She appeared so different when we were alone, and despite barely knowing her, I could feel a strange yet warm connection between us. Difficult to put into words but very palpable in the energy between us.

SILVER EYES (GXG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें