Chapter 10: Slice of Memories

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"I'm fine, and thanks to you," Heather said.

I glanced at her bandaged leg. "Does it hurt?"

She shook her head. "Not really. It will heal soon with the recovery treatment. In three days, I'll be fine. What about your skin?" she asked.

"It hurts like hell," I admitted, my gaze dropping to my hands.

Heather's eyes softened with empathy. "I can imagine. Just take it one step at a time. The medical team here is really good."

We sank into a tense silence. The room was dimly lit, and the rhythmic beeping of the monitoring equipment provided a calming backdrop to our conversation.

After a while, Heather spoke again. "It was amazing what you did up there in the tower, you know?"

I shrugged. "I'm just glad I could help," I said.

She shook her head. "You did more than that. You saved lives. My life, to begin with, and then, you prevented a massive disaster. It was such a smart move to use the suit to isolate the cables."

It was the only option I had," I said modestly.

Heather's gaze held mine, and with a kind and gentle voice, she said, "It wasn't, thank you."

The room's soft, golden light seemed to set Heather's eyes aglow, adding an extra layer of allure to her gaze. Heather possessed this remarkable talent, the power to lift your spirits with her eyes. At least, that's how I felt every time I saw her.

"You're welcome." Our eyes locked for a moment, and I felt an impulse I hadn't experienced in years—a strong desire to leave the bed, get close to her, and share a passionate kiss.

No, stop, you can't. I quickly looked away.

"Are you okay?" She asked, noticing my sudden shift.

"Yes, I am. I just need some rest," I lied.

"Sleep now; the medics will come soon to check on you and will bother you for a long time," She said with a grin.

I nodded, closing my eyes, in the hope that the whirlwind attraction I felt for Heather would dissipate.

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes again, I saw Heather fast asleep in the bed next to mine. I noticed that a white blanket was covering me; would Heather have put it? I wondered. I looked at her and saw that the usual tension on her face had melted away, leaving behind a softer and almost angelic expression that made her look utterly adorable.

I was feeling much better, so I decided to stand up and try to walk a bit. My legs were responding perfectly, and I was relieved to see that my strength was returning. I looked at the window, searching for the electric tower. The fire had been extinguished, and there was no trace of acid rain anymore. The sun was breaking through, casting a warm, orange light into the room, making everything seem strangely beautiful. As if for a moment, the world was a safe place to live, free from pain and suffering. It was crazy to think about the events we had lived through just a few hours ago. Would Michael be okay? I couldn't shake off the dream from my mind. I missed him so much.

Suddenly, I heard a soft whimper. I turned around and saw that Heather was tossing and turning in her sleep as if she were having a bad dream. She mumbled something I couldn't quite understand. She seemed to be in distress. I came closer, and suddenly she said: "Run!" This time it was clear. I leaned out my hand with the intention to wake her up, but right when I was about to touch her shoulder, she opened her eyes and got up startled.

"Hey, hey, calm down, it was just a dream," I said affectionately. Heather looked at me, a bit disoriented and breathing fast. I put my hand softly on her shoulder and stroked her. "Are you okay?" I asked.

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